Sentences with phrase «pitch appointments»

The agent and editor pitch appointments were badly screwed up.
Additional pitch appointments are also available on a first - come, first - served basis.
There will be other conferences, other pitch appointments, other opportunities.
One - on - One Pitch Sessions Every attendee may register for one free 10 - minute pitch appointment with an attending agent or editor.
Ten - minute pitch appointments fly by, and many are wasted by the author who spends... way... too... much... time... explaining (1) his protagonist's backstory, (2) his world - building elements, or (3) all the cool historical facts he discovered when researching his novel.
to writers during pitch appointments include: (1) You're pitching this as YA, but it's coming across as a middle grade.
Raelene Gorlinsky, Publisher of Ellora's Cave, will be presenting at the Colorado Gold Conference and taking pitch appointments.
PITCH APPOINTMENTS There will be pitch appointments with multiple publishers for camp attendees.
Decide which guests might be the most interested in your genre, register for the conference early, and request a pitch appointment with your top three choices.
Finaling or winning is great to include on your query letters or during your pitch appointments; it might be the final push to get someone to request pages or a full read.
You will receive your pitch appointment in your registration materials when you arrive at conference.
If the agent stops you in the first minute of your pitch appointment with something like «I don't represent that genre» (or anything else that feels like a shutdown / letdown), then politely ask if she wouldn't mind giving you her quick impression of your query letter.
Pitch appointments are individual 10 - minute meetings where writers pitch their (completed) romance novels / novellas to editors / agents.
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