Sentences with phrase «pits as a family dog»

I would not recommend pits as a family dog.

Not exact matches

While helping her grandma with the laundry, Lia Vega was bitten in the chest by a pit bull, Tiga, who was described as a «family dog
Our advocacy must remind people that at one time, the Pit Bull was the most popular pet in America because of their reputation as a friendly, family dog.
If you're searching for a family dog, be sure you do not purchase your pit bull from a breeder who may have selectively chosen fighting bloodlines, as dogs with such bloodlines were bred from individuals selected because of aggressive behavior.
If you bring your pit bull home as a puppy, allowing him to socialize at a young age with other dogs and all human members of your family can help stave off any aggressive tendencies.
If they attack they just get quarantined for a while where as a pit bull who isn't as high up on the aggressive list as a lot of household family dogs, they would get shot on spot.
«Many of us felt that we needed to do more to help the American pit bull terrier regain its status as a valuable working dog and cherished family pet,» the non-profit organization's website says.
If they reported «A child walks into a yard of an abused dog and gets bit» they won't get as much of a reaction if they say «A family Pit Bull attacked a child unprovoked».
Considering the tragically high euthanasia rate for these dogs, members of pit bull advocacy groups, and other dog lovers, choose to adopt them as family pets.
In fact, at one point in the early twentieth century, dogs that were represented in art and entertainment as the classic family canine often looked like the pit bull terriers that we see today in our society.
As we have mentioned already within this list, pit bull terriers are excellent family dogs, especially in homes that have young children in the mix.
As the conversations developed, I learned that there were some barriers placed in the way of adoption — from policies that prohibited first - time dog owners and families with children from adopting pit bulls to special applications, special hold times, higher adoption fees and even required home visits.
In America, where these dogs were used not only as pit fighters, but also as catch dogs (i.e., for forcibly retrieving stray hogs and cattle) and as guardians of family, the breeders started producing a slightly larger, leggier dog.
While we can't find an elderly woman for every old woman we can promote pit bull and bully breeds as the great family dogs that they are.
From the very beginning, pit bulls have been used as farm dogs, family dogs, military mascots, and all - purpose companions.
First, pit bulls have a constant desire to be close to humans, even if that means lying by your feet as you use the computer; they are not overly independent dogs and want nothing more than to be active members of your «family
Throughout their history in America, pit bull dogs have been valued as beloved members of the family.
While rescues and advocacy groups focus on eliminating the shadow cast on pit bull type dogs such as My Pitbull is Family, the effects of frenzy from media headlines on public opinion and legislation is difficult to reverse in the court of public opinion.
From the very beginning, Pit Bulls have been used as farm dogs, family dogs, military mascots, and all - purpose companions.
Over the past two years, more than 100 municipalities across the USA have overturned bans and other restrictions that target dogs in the pit bull family, and opposition to BSL comes from sources as diverse as the American Bar Association, animal rescue groups, the Center for Disease Control and even President Barack Obama, who said in August that the laws are largely ineffective while doing nothing to improve public safety, and are often a «waste of public resources».
The StubbyDog website and social media platforms offer numerous stories of pit bulls as heroes, athletes, therapy and rescue dogs, and, perhaps most importantly, as everyday, ordinary, lovable, loyal family pets.
They were originally used as competitive ratters in gambling pits, and they later became watch dogs and cherished family pets.
Right now, thousands of families in our country have one or more pit - bull - like dogs as pets.
Love Can Build a Bridge was our second video to fight the pit bull stereotype and to give voice to responsible pit bull owners and show our dogs as the loving, bonding family companions they truly are.
Dogs visually identified as «pit bull» are the 5th most popular family dog in Iowa (and in the top 10 in 46 states), so unfortunately many innocent dogs and their owners are unfairly targeted through Dogs visually identified as «pit bull» are the 5th most popular family dog in Iowa (and in the top 10 in 46 states), so unfortunately many innocent dogs and their owners are unfairly targeted through dogs and their owners are unfairly targeted through BSL.
As a result, dogs — many of whom are pit bulls — are ending up in shelters because their families are hurting, too.
One day, a family came in to look at a Lab / Pit mix he had been working with; just as they made the decision to make the dog part of their family, their daughter ran up to them with tears in her eyes.
It's hard to avoid harrowing stories about loyal Pit Bulls saving family members in fires, serving as police dogs, or helping people as service dogs.
Family pit bulls are worth their weight in gold, and part of your job as a responsible owner will be to demonstrate this fact as you live your life with your dog by your side.
Nineteen years later, Denver's Animal Care and Control continues to confiscate and kill dogs identified as pit bulls, most of whom were family companions residing peacefully in their homes.
The first dog we looked at was Henna.She is a american pit bull terrier that was about 6 months old when we adopted her.She was sweet and full of energy.Henna had kennel cough which recovered from quickly.We also then found out that one of her knee caps were slightly dislocated, but as she grew that fixed its self.Henna was so playful and was a perfect fit for our family with 3 kids.We knew that she was the dog for us and took her home.She has been a great addition to the family and makes all happy everyday!
The Irish version of the pit was actually known as the «Old Family Dog,» because it was considered the perfect family pet, known to be especially good with chiFamily Dog,» because it was considered the perfect family pet, known to be especially good with chifamily pet, known to be especially good with children.
In a world as over populated and dangerous for Pit Bull dogs, you are the best chance that your family pet has.
Each year, they issue a new calendar featuring Pit Bulls with human models in retro - style outfits and scenes, tying the aesthetic to a time when Pit Bulls were respected as protectors and family dogs.
Right now, thousands of families have one or more pit bull — type dogs as pets.
The simple reason why we see pit bulls involved in more attacks now (though not nearly as many as the media would have one believe) is there are more of them being kept as «resident dogs» vs. family pets.
This belief that somehow this won't ever happen to THEM is what strikes me — despite scores of incidents in which adopted dogs — most notably, pit bulls — maul and kill adopters, their families and their neighbors, we continue to see shelters carrying out reckless policies as if nothing unusual is happening.
While large numbers of pit bull type dogs in this country live out their lives as cherished family companions, many not so fortunate suffer from man - made shortcomings, including unspeakable cruelties, the socio - economic pressures of under - resourced owners, and the relentless biases and discrimination of an ill - informed public.
Project PITS pairs together rescue pit bulls with youth offenders who obedience train and help prepare the dogs for adoption as family pets.
And when her mother, Toni Creaturo, visited the Cumberland County SPCA to see the pit bull puppy her husband had picked out for their daughter — one of a set of twins — Creaturo had her very own Christmas wish: bring both dogs home together, as one big family.
I have 4 pit bulls and this law is so unfair to the families who have accepted these dogs as their family members!
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