Sentences with phrase «pituitary endocrine gland»

We know that pets thats show evidence of adrenal or pituitary endocrine gland disease are at a higher risk of developing diabetes as well.

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Studies at Bellevue have shown that disturbances or deficiencies of the pituitary - adrenal - gonadal triad of endocrine glands are present in many alcoholics.
3.3.5 Neuro - endocrine Component It is widely known that oxytocin (sometimes called the love hormone) is released in the mother's blood by the posterior pituitary gland.
Pituitary hormones regulate the rest of your endocrine system, signaling other glands to increase or decrease production of the hormones that control metabolism, fertility, blood pressure, breast milk production and many other vital processes.
The prefrontal cortex, known for controlling the executive function of the brain, is critically involved in the response to stress, by regulating the endocrine glands known as the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal axis.
This sits in the hypothalamus, responsible for regulation of internal body processes using the endocrine system, which is linked to hormone secretion, via the pituitary gland.
Thorazine, a popular antipsychotic used in the mid-20th century, impacted the pituitary gland — the pea - size endocrine gland located near the base of the brain — often causing it to overproduce prolactin.
There the pituitary gland serves as the master regulator of the human endocrine system, producing vital hormones that influence growth and development — except when something goes awry.
The hypothalamus links the nervous system to the endocrine system by synthsizing and secreting neurohormones, often called releasing hormones, as needed that control the secretion of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland â $» among them, gonadotropin - releasing hormone (GnRH).
Neurons and endocrine tissues - such as the brain, pituitary, pancreas and adrenal gland - make especially important signaling molecules: peptidergic neurotransmitters and peptide hormones.
The location is intimately associated with the visual pathways, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and limbic system, which can cause significant problems with visual, endocrine, and cognitive and psychosocial function, both at presentation and after treatment.
I then make a point of doing my Kundalini yoga set, which is all about awakening the pituitary gland, as it's connected to our intuition and the endocrine system, which can lead to the inner glow we're looking for.
The four - stroke breath balances the pituitary gland, known in yogic science as the master gland because the entire endocrine system (from the hypothalamus to the thyroid to the ovaries and testicles) all change based on the pituitary secretion.
Our primary problem with them is that they damage developing tissues in the endocrine system, which includes the thyroid, the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland, the testicles and ovaries, and the pancreas (which produces insulin).
This raises overall blood acidity, which triggers the release of growth hormone (HGH) from the endocrine system, most notably the pituitary gland in the brain.
Armed with this info, we see how important it is to keep our endocrine system (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, pineal) the glands that secrete our hormones that regulate all the functions of our bodies, as healthy as possible!
This is because there is a special conversation happening between the hypothalamus & pituitary and the endocrine glands — the adrenals, the thyroid and the ovaries.
The command center for our endocrine glands is in our brain — the hypothalamus and pituitary glands — and they send signals to distant parts of the body to control everything from our stress response through our adrenal glands to our blood sugar balance through our pancreas to our thyroid hormone via our thyroid gland to our sexual behavior and function through our reproductive organs.
In adolescence, the control system in the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary) is just getting started in the conversation with the key endocrine glands outside of the brain: adrenals, thyroid, and gonads (ovaries in girls, testes in boys).
The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system, which also includes the adrenal glands, ovaries, testicles, and the pituitary gland, which Dr. Dekel terms the «conductor.»
It links the nervous system to the endocrine system through the Pituitary Gland.
Pituitary gland is a major gland of the endocrine system.
Other endocrine glands include (but aren't limited to) the pancreas, ovaries, and pituitary gland.
No larger than a pea, the pituitary gland is sometimes known as the «master gland» because it controls the functions of the thyroid and the other glands that make up the endocrine system.
Anyhoo, I like including this food, in its powdered form, in my latte because it has a nourishing and modulating effect on the endocrine system through its action on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands.
Mind - body research has shown that tension, anxiety, and other emotional disturbances interfere with vital secretions of the pituitary gland, the master endocrine gland that affects all the body's hormonal functions.
The pituitary gland is the master gland of the endocrine system.
The major endocrine glands are your brain (hypothalamus and pineal and pituitary glands), adrenals, pancreas, reproductive glands (ovaries and testes), thyroid, parathyroid, and gastrointestinal tract.
The plow pose directs the flow of blood from the lower extremities to the head region, neck, glands (thyroid, pineal, pituitary) thus stimulating their functioning and directly enhancing the endocrine system.
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland (a small endocrine gland in the base of the brain).
The endocrine system is controlled by the pituitary gland located in the brain, when hormones are secreted as they should be all is well.
If we decide the threat is real, and that we need to act quickly to reduce its impact, we trigger a cascade of events affecting multiple systems in our body, including three key endocrine organs — the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in our brain, and the adrenal glands that sit atop our kidneys.
We are witnessing more obesity, diabetes, pituitary, thyroid, ovarian, and other endocrine gland disruption due to chemicals such as perchlorates (residues of synthetic fertilizer in produce), polyfluorooctanoic acid (non-stick cookware), bisphenol A (polycarbonate plastics, resin lining of cans), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (flame retardants), along with many others.
It also controls the hypothalamus, this works in conjunction with the pituitary gland and together they are responsible for regulation of the endocrine system.
The pituitary gland is the «boss», so to speak, of the endocrine system.
The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland located at the base of the brain.
The distinct endocrine glands are the adrenals, thyroid, parathyroids, pituitary gland and islets in the pancreas, although hormones are produced by many cells in other tissues.
The thyroid gland is in turn regulated by other aspects of the endocrine system: the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
Myrrh is also supportive for many endocrine and hormonal conditions including support of the Thyroid, growth hormone production, pituitary gland function, and hypothalamus function.
Rarely, hypothyroidism can result from a failure of the pituitary, the central gland controlling endocrine function.
The endocrine system includes the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pituitary gland and specialized cells in the pancreas called the Islets of Langerhans.
When the puppy or kitten has pituitary gland problems, it is not uncommon for other endocrine glands in their bodies to also be under active.
The endocrine system includes ductless glands or the glands of internal secretion, such as: pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, and pancreas.
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