Sentences with phrase «place in one's diet»

She chose to work on rice because of its central place in the diet of many developing countries.
Yes, I agree that grains have a proper place in our diets, but not a prominent place.
In my own estimation, I'd say it's not a wonder supplement but it has place in a diet together with other things.
But other healthy fats, like the ones found in coconut oil, deserve a special place in your diet plan, since they help protect the heart health and the functioning of the thyroid gland, prevent the development of arthritis and diabetes and can be extremely beneficial to your weight loss goals.
MCTs are found in limited places in the diet and generally come from sources such as coconut and palm oil.
This conference will help you understand why butter, lard, egg yolks, cream and meat fats need a prominent place in your diet
Kale is so much more than a common garnish: it's a delicious and nutrient - rich vegetable that deserves a solid place in your diet.
Of course that carbohydrates deserve their respective place in our diets but sadly, simple and over-processed sugars can make up around 50 % of the carbs we consume.
There have been to establish that artificial sweeteners don't have any rightful place in the diet of anyone.
That's why this section of the website is devoted to helping you see all the dark places in your diet where excess kcals lurk.
If you are looking for optimal health; butter, lard, egg yolks, cream and meat fats need a prominent place in your diet
Soft drinks, baked goods, processed foods... these foods have no place in the diet of someone who is overweight.
These days we are hearing about «sometimes foods» and every day foods» and as a trained nutritionist, I believe these phrases definitely have their place in our diets.
Avocados have a place in your diet outside the guacamole bowl.
All foods can have a place in our diets, and low - and no - calorie sweeteners are no different.
The point is, all fruits have a place in the diet, even natural dried ones and fresh, smaller fruits like dates.
If you thought tahini only has a place in your diet when served alongside falafel, you need to check this recipe out.
I probably like pizza just as much as the next person, however, it's not a food I eat very option given the primary ingredient (cheese) doesn't have a place in my diet.
However, the American Academy of Pediatrics takes the position that stimulant - containing energy drinks have no place in the diets of children or adolescents.
So really, it's up to you, your dietary restrictions and goals if cows milk has a place in your diet.
I also, though, think that sugar and white flour have a place in the diet as long as they are an exception to the rule and not the bulk of anyone's eating pattern.
White sugar and white flour have no nutritional value so working to limit their place in your diet will be an easy way to slash your overall calorie count.
Groups like the Center for Science in the Public Interest have called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to add safety warnings to energy drinks, and American Academy of Pediatrics researchers have argued the stimulants in energy drinks have «no place in the diet of children and adolescents.»
The point is, all fruits have a place in the diet, even natural dried ones and fresh, smaller fruits like dates.
This removes still more nutrients resulting in a low nutrient fat that has no place in the diet.
Meat has its place in my diet (as a source of healthy protein), but it's a small place.
Sweet, simple, starchy carbs have their place in any diet.
Of course, whether they have a place in your diet is up to you.
I believe that when you use good ingredients to make pasta dishes, salads, stews, burgers, grilled vegetables, fruit salads, and even outrageous cakes, they all have a place in our diets.
Fats have a place in your diet plan, in moderation.
Avocados have a place in your diet outside the guacamole bowl.
Although fresh foods are better than frozen foods, they can have a place in your diet.
Junk food, such as highly processed food and sweets from beverages to candy (really anything with an ingredient list that reads like a short novel or has words that you can't pronounce), rarely had a place in my diet but, to this day, I do love chips and the occasional gummy bear.
Pumpkin is a highly underrated superfood and deserves a place in your diet.
Both types have their place in your diet.
Sidenote: this does not mean that refined / nutrient - sparse foods have no place in the diet.
To help you decide which is better for your lifestyle, or to convince you that both juices and smoothies have a place in your diet, here is some more information about both.
Starchy veggies have their place in the diet as well, and I usually recommend getting them mostly at dinner time.
While having too much red meat is not recommended, it has place in your diet.
Certainly dry cat food has no place in the diet if longevity is the goal.
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