Sentences with phrase «place of a parent»

If one of you acted in place of a parent to a child, do not count that child in this section but refer to section 10 in this tool.
A: A nursery where babies and young children are cared for by an organization of adults who take care of the children in place of their parents.
Any attempt at being my parent is overstepping the mark, perhaps it could even be seen as usurping the rightful place of the parent (God).
Alternately many younger parents particularly appreciate the unique place of parents in the AP framework, when they are often forced by practical necessity to depend on grandparents and other family members for «co-parenting» support.
In loco parentis [in place of parents].
1, CD - ROM version (Ottawa: Libraxus, 1996) at Record 1819 - 1823 I return frequently to these quotations simply to raise the question of whether anyone else acting in place of a parent whose family physician and family lawyer offered theses opinions, would continue with the same practices for many decades longer.
The definition of oppressive child labor expressly excludes employment by «a parent or a person standing in place of a parent» except in identified hazardous occupations; gardening not being one of those.
Loco Parentis, in place of the parent.
I wouldn't make her scream in her bed alone and I wouldn't trade even the hard parts, the demanding parts, because this place of parenting as simultaneous power and powerlessness is my altar.
In loco parentis is legal Latin term meaning «in the place of a parent».
It would not be appropriate to take the place of a parent during a session.
While these are very useful products, they should not take the place of a parent's close supervision.
As only one survivor can remain at the game end, if you start a «sequel», the survivor is captured once more with the children of the deceased taking the place of their parents...
Under the theory of «in loco parentis,» which means in place of a parent, you may be able to prove that you acted as a parent to the child for a meaningful period of time and request the court to allow you to continue a relationship with them.
Every case must be determined on its own facts, and not every adult - child relationship will be determined to be one in which the adult stands in the place of a parent, even where there is a high degree of dependency.
And yet, if you never dusted off the old Criminal Code and turned to section 43 you might not assume that it's OK for a parent, schoolteacher, or anyone «standing in the place of a parent» to use «force by way of correction» that is «reasonable under the circumstances.»
In Canada, we have come a long way from that belief in child - rearing, even with the availability of section 43 of the Criminal Code to parents / teachers or others standing in the place of a parent.
Custody and access can be awarded to parents, individuals standing in the place of a parent (step - parents), or others in limited circumstances.
The biological parents are still looked to first; however, if a step - parent or a new common - law partner demonstrates an intention to treat a child as part of his or her family, meaning that new person is standing in place of a parent to that child, and then if that new relationship subsequently breaks down, the new parent can become an additional source of child support.
Loco parentis — spouse or former spouse who «stands in the place of a parent» (s. 2 (2) of the Divorce Act (step - parent) / assumes the role of a parent
The Parents Legal Centre (PLC) is a Legal Services Society (Legal Aid BC) service to help eligible parents, or people standing in the place of a parent, with child protection matters.
This may affect the amount of support you pay for stepchildren if you have been found to stand in the place of a parent (loco parentis).
Consent refers to the agreement by a parent, or a person or agency acting in place of a parent, to relinquish a child for adoption and release all rights and duties with respect to that child.
If you decided that support will be paid for a child for whom either of you acted in the place of a parent, you can determine an appropriate child support amount by taking into account what the Federal Guidelines say and the legal obligation of any other person to support that child.
If you do not live with your parents, but you live with a grandparent, or an adult aunt or uncle, the adult relative you live with may be told in place of your parents.
Biological parents, adoptive parents, step - parents, or other people standing in the place of a parent all have the potential to be considered parents, and be obligated to pay child support.
Step - parents or other people standing in the place of a parent may also be considered parents and can be obligated to pay support.
As a corrective to an unbalanced focus on children's problem and diagnoses, this study addresses the importance of recognizing the place of parenting within the context of clinical social work.
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