Sentences with phrase «place of acceptance»

We welcome ALL couples who want their relationship to be a safe place of acceptance, understanding and joy.
Group Dynamics instructs how to form and lead a group that provides a safe place of acceptance and restoration.
AA of today is a place of acceptance and inclusivity.
You wrote «AA of today is a place of acceptance and inclusivity.»
It's funny you say that you wish your hubby left when you were 45, not 55; I, too, felt like — couldn't you have messed up when I was in my 30s and still young and «cute» instead of my mid-40s?!?! But, of course, that wouldn't have made a difference — we must find a place of acceptance or change what doesn't work for us, if we can.
I really tried to get myself into a place of acceptance that an induction really might be in my future.
Discussing the city's proposed rezonings of Inwood and Jerome Avenue, Johnson said the Council should typically seek to get to a place of acceptance if the project will benefit the community.
I'm currently 19 weeks pregnant, and I can confidently say that today, my husband and I are in a place of acceptance, happiness, and excitement.
This time, though, when I finally came to a place of acceptance — when I finally cried «uncle!»
From that place of acceptance, you can set goals and open your arms to receive.
Coming from a place of acceptance sends a message of unconditional love and worth.
The inner and outer work continues, but it is coming from a place of acceptance and experimentation rather than anger and resentment when the diet fails me and I don't lose weight.
I like to approach pain from a place of acceptance and gratitude rather than anger or fear.
I recommend the Training to those who desire to coach from a place of acceptance and compassion.
Soma is the deity of nectar, the power of nourishment, integration, and that which cools us down and brings us into a place of acceptance, ease, and deep surrender.
Whatever lifts your spirit, frees your mind, whatever tune, song or album brings you to a place of acceptance, strength, joy and just feeling flipping GOOD, there is a vibrational energy from music that heals your soul - you will feel a shift immediately when you hear those sounds that resonate with you.
If you can move beyond all judgment and arrive at a place of acceptance for whatever he or she is, says, does, and feels, you can begin to assess.
Nol occupies a place of acceptance professionals dating over and understanding that there.
As Pearce eventually comes to a place of acceptance, one can't help but be touched by his story and by his family and friends who stuck with him, and yet also feel concerned for the sport, despite the majesty and beauty of athletes skillfully twirling through the air at what seem like impossible heights.
First and foremost, we need to come to an understanding and a place of acceptance that we have a limited area of influence and reach when it comes to the healing journey of our students who have trauma.
Together with the support of your Veterinarian, Pet Bereavement Services will help you travel through each phase of grief, be there to listen, and help you arrive at a place of acceptance and resolution.
It is essential that you work through it, in order to reach a place of acceptance and resolution.
This is step one: coming to a place of acceptance.
Once a client understands the underlying cause of their anxiety, depression, hurt, fears, etc., they can come to a place of acceptance and move forward minimizing the impact these issues have on the present.
However, learning to cope and manage these issues can brighten our future and bring us to a place of acceptance.
That's not to say that you will never have another emotion about how your family came to be, but rather that you should arrive at a place of acceptance and calm before becoming an adoptive parent.
When the divorce process is a battlefield, I specialize in helping the families navigate the high conflict and move to a place of acceptance more quickly.
Arriving at this place of acceptance permitted me to wholeheartedly experience shared joy with my client.
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