Sentences with phrase «place of birth because»

All analyses were based on the planned rather than the actual place of birth because referral to hospital during labour is usually indicative of anticipated or existing problems.

Not exact matches

My youngest son was abandoned by his mother at birth and placed in an orphanage because of his diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.
Egypt holds a special place for Coptic Christians because, according to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus» family fled there shortly after his birth to escape King Herod, who was calling for the execution of all Jewish boys under the age of 2.
Just as the Virgin Birth, and the physical Resurrection of Christ are and were requirements of his literal Divinity and uniqueness upon the human scene, so also this type of development to which we appeal can not take place, except in a Church which claims the infallible magisterium on earth of the same Jesus in the name of his Divinity, and can manifest a line of consistent and coherent, definition because she has done so.
But if we really experience the Nativity we are faced with the heartache and suffering embedded deep in the nature of the event: No decent place for his birth, the fear of discovery by the wrong people, all the children who died because he was born, the anxious flight into a foreign country.
Death was very much a part of life, and the two were not separated because, unlike today, both birth and death took place in the household.
A sign like this is less of a concern because there are so many other places that are willing to work with women to have the births that they want.
My many women even question that when it comes to hospitals because there is a false sense of hope that hospitals are the best place I birth.
Any hospital that says they can not support a VBAC mother because they aren't prepared to handle the consequences of a uterine rupture are not safe places for any birthing mother to give birth.
In some places, this rises to the level of an almost cult and the person with a poor birth outcome is seen almost as transgressive because their experience contradicts the lie.
It's such a shame that views and comments drop on posts like these, because THIS is the kind of important information people need to have when making decisions about their place of birth.
Because unassisted freebirth isn't anything like any kind of assisted birth, no matter the place of birth.
Wanted to let you know that because of the work of Sara Snyder of Safer Midwifery for Michigan the newly updated Michigan birth certificates will track intended place of birth and intended attendant.
That's important because many homebirth studies look at actual place of birth and thereby include homebirth transfers in the hospital group, skewing the results.
But, to in any way place blame for this on the mom because she didn't birth naturally and says her baby died because of a lack of intervention is cruel and awful.
Like many others who choose home birth, she liked the idea of being in a familiar and comforting place, and felt it made labour easier because she had more control over the environment.
The study started as an RCT in 2006, but was changed into a prospective cohort study in 2007 because it was impossible to find women who would agree to be randomized for place of birth [12].
My hope is that the system of national surveillance will eventually accurately take into account provider type and intended place of birth, because many of our discussions right now are around safety; those are the most fundamental questions that people are asking.
It could be argued that unplanned home births are similar to planned home births which were transferred to hospital during labour (because birth did not take place in the intended location), and that not getting to hospital in time is a risk of planning a hospital birth, and for this reason we have run the analysis both with and without unplanned home births (see «results» section).
M: Midwives can not go to Vital Records to ask how they're doing because Vital Records — except in a few states — does not evaluate outcomes based on intended place of birth.
The SMMIS database is extremely useful for the study of pregnancy outcomes by place of birth, because it overcomes many of the problems inherent within other data sources.
This is because these factors may act as mediators and may explain the difference between home and hospital birth, and therefore holding them constant would have led to controlling for the effect of planned place of birth on PPH.
My son, Rio, was 9 lbs 10oz at birth and because of all the stress that placed on my body, my midwives recommended I not carry him in a wrap for the first few months while my body healed.
Typically, the most likely place to receive the Midwives Model of Care is in your home or a free - standing birth center, because usually it is difficult for caregivers to give the woman - centered, individualized Midwives Model of Care under the rules and standard practices of today's hospitals.
Because both home and hospital births were attended by the same cohort of midwives, we were able to conduct a true comparison of planned place of birth unconfounded by type of caregiver.
Because our goal was to better inform childbearing women and their caregivers of the potential consequences of home birth, we chose to study the planned rather than the actual place of birth.
In my experiences with homebirth midwives that practice in Illinois (there is still a large Mennonite population, and a number of women who still wish to birth at home), the recommend having a homebirth friendly Pediatrician in place because, «there are orders to call CPS if a homebirthed baby or mom transfers to a hospital».
Cobedding of twins and other infants of multiple gestation is a frequent practice, both in the hospital setting and at home.174 However, the benefits of cobedding twins and higher - order multiples have not been established.175, — , 177 Twins and higher - order multiples are often born prematurely and with low birth weight, so they are at increased risk of SIDS.101, 102 Furthermore, there is increased potential for overheating and rebreathing while cobedding, and size discordance might increase the risk of accidental suffocation.176 Most cobedded twins are placed on their sides rather than supine.174 Finally, cobedding of twins and higher - order multiples in the hospital setting might encourage parents to continue this practice at home.176 Because the evidence for the benefits of cobedding twins and higher - order multiples is not compelling and because of the increased risk of SIDS and suffocation, the AAP believes that it is prudent to provide separate sleep areas for these infants to decrease the risk of SIDS and accidental suffoBecause the evidence for the benefits of cobedding twins and higher - order multiples is not compelling and because of the increased risk of SIDS and suffocation, the AAP believes that it is prudent to provide separate sleep areas for these infants to decrease the risk of SIDS and accidental suffobecause of the increased risk of SIDS and suffocation, the AAP believes that it is prudent to provide separate sleep areas for these infants to decrease the risk of SIDS and accidental suffocation.
«The supervisor in charge advised me I had to register, else I would not be allowed into the U.S. I remarked that it is not acceptable to treat me different from other U.K. citizens because of my birth place.
Because regardless of the location and technical details of the birth experience, the inner work to put you in a peaceful, confident, loving and supported place lasts longer and takes you beyond the birth.
For a lot of women, even if they believe, intellectually, that the hospital is the safest place to birth, their primal subconscious (the part that gives birth) knows that home is much safer because it's familiar.
I've been diagnosed with PCOS since I was 21 I'm now 27 and I'm in a lot of pcos groups on Facebook and they talk about this product all the time and I really would like to try it in place of taking birth control because it makes me so nauseous I hope to have good results as far as my body regulating my menstrual cycle on its own.
While purple is my all time favorite color (it was my grandmother's birthstone and she was my absolute best friend until her passing 5 yrs ago), garnet holds a special place in my heart because it is the birth stone of both of my children and of my husband, plus it is just a pretty color on it's own.
Last Sunday the female started to give birth again and she was running all around the filthy yard with pups falling out of her and into the muddy ground because she had no place to hide from the male dogs and she wasn't able to lick them so they were dying.
Can't choose your relatives or place of birth Some people still believe that a feral - behaving cat should be held to different standards because it is related to a tame cat.
There is simply no better feeling than nursing a puppy (or litter of puppies) whose momma was hit by a car right before giving birth and seeing those puppies placed in loving, permanent homes; or watching an emaciated and scared pound dog blossom in front of your eyes and learn to trust; or taking in a cat who was dumped at the pound because her owner passed away and no one in the family cared enough to take her into their home.
Of kittens raised «under foot» and kittens raised with the queen, 52 % and 30 % respectively were coronavirus seropositive at 12 - 16 weeks of age.27 All kittens isolated from all adults in the household were coronavirus seronegative at 16 weeks of age.27 This suggests that transmission of coronaviruses to kittens often takes place horizontally after birth by individuals other than the queen.27 Because coronaviruses can be transmitted indirectly, strict attention to hygiene is also essential to achieve success with this methoOf kittens raised «under foot» and kittens raised with the queen, 52 % and 30 % respectively were coronavirus seropositive at 12 - 16 weeks of age.27 All kittens isolated from all adults in the household were coronavirus seronegative at 16 weeks of age.27 This suggests that transmission of coronaviruses to kittens often takes place horizontally after birth by individuals other than the queen.27 Because coronaviruses can be transmitted indirectly, strict attention to hygiene is also essential to achieve success with this methoof age.27 All kittens isolated from all adults in the household were coronavirus seronegative at 16 weeks of age.27 This suggests that transmission of coronaviruses to kittens often takes place horizontally after birth by individuals other than the queen.27 Because coronaviruses can be transmitted indirectly, strict attention to hygiene is also essential to achieve success with this methoof age.27 This suggests that transmission of coronaviruses to kittens often takes place horizontally after birth by individuals other than the queen.27 Because coronaviruses can be transmitted indirectly, strict attention to hygiene is also essential to achieve success with this methoof coronaviruses to kittens often takes place horizontally after birth by individuals other than the queen.27 Because coronaviruses can be transmitted indirectly, strict attention to hygiene is also essential to achieve success with this method.
Monumental because of the very special place the Nasher Museum holds for me since the creative collaboration that became the Barkley L. Hendricks: Birth of the Cool exhibition, its accompanying programs and my subsequent artist residency at Duke.
One reason why you should contact a birth injury attorney as soon as possible after your child is harmed is because the state's statute of limitations on medical malpractice claims places a cap on the amount of time that you have to take action after an act of malpractice.
The appeals court focused on a federal statute adopted in 1965 that says: «No person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person's race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence..»
The statute also is based on the premise that it is wrong to presume a person to be more dangerous because of race or sex or religion or nationality or place of birth or place of residence.
Whether it is the personal assistant of a famous TV and radio political talk show host (who was fired on her first day back from maternity leave), the Pennsylvania bank employee fired because her employer believed (incorrectly) that she was not planning to return to work after giving birth, or the Georgia warehouse worker fired after her doctor gave her a note restricting her from lifting heavy loads, these stories of women facing harm to their employment situations due to their pregnancies take place too often.
-- Back in February, we discussed the issue of whether McCain's place of birth — a military base in Panama — would disqualify him from the presidency because he would not be considered a natural born citizen, as required by the United States Constitution.
The child will be able to understand his / her adoption story better because you have more information about why they were placed for adoption and the circumstances of the birth parents.
I picked this agency to place my son through because they require an amount of openness between the adoptive family and birth family.
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