Sentences with phrase «place of forgiveness»

Her sin being revealed, it is appropriate that she ask about the true place of forgiveness.
The cross is the place of forgiveness for Christians.
The discussion about the true place of worship (4:20) is directly relevant to the confession of sin, for the place of worship is the place of forgiveness.
It's a lesson in ownership — that offers another place of forgiveness.
Lately I've found myself engaged in several conversations about the place of forgiveness and grace in the context of bullying and abuse.
But, OK, it's what she believes, and it's clear she came to a place of forgiveness, or maybe takes her vows — for better or for worse — seriously.
Allow rosemary to sweeten your memories and guide you gently to a place of forgiveness.
I wish all of the people that have been involved in my life well, because it's very important to me to be in a place of forgiveness and love.»
Despite being the black eye or stye of this small town, his eventual turning point directs him into a place of forgiveness and healing.
In the case of both of them, characters who have done horrific things towards people of color, and try to find a place of forgiveness.
In short, how do we move past the emotional pain to a place of forgiveness?
If you and your spouse choose to stay together after infidelity strikes, you need to work towards a place of forgiveness.
I wish all of the people that have been involved in my life well, because it's very important to me to be in a place of forgiveness and love.»
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