Sentences with phrase «place of humans who»

«Moreover, an atonement theology that says God sacrifices his own son in place of humans who needed to be punished for their sins might make some Christians love Jesus, but it is an obscene picture of God.
Reality quotes a paradiddle,»... Moreover, an atonement theology that says God sacrifices his own son in place of humans who needed to be punished for their sins...» TThey ddon't bbelieve God iis jjust.

Not exact matches

The show, which takes place in a world in which animals are interchangeable with humans, tells the story of a talking horse, BoJack, who used to have a sitcom and now lives a pathetic life in Los Angeles.
As part of the series — produced by Darren Aronofsky and narrated by superstar Will Smith — several astronauts give personal anecdotes and perspectives about the planet based on a place few humans who have actually visited outer space.
«Good organizations are forecasting their human capital and looking at the demographic data — who's graduating from university, how many people are retiring and the number of people available to take their place
Two closed trial sessions took place on August 22 and September 24 in the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Judge Abolqasem Salavati, who is known to human rights organizations for being an instrument of Iran's security apparatus.
This lets these companies promote themselves to a much broader segment of the market, such as millennials who might be otherwise averse to place their trust and their money into a human advisor's hands.
Its a WAKE UP CALL to all the human beings of the world but Muslims, these r the people who r responisible for killing of innocents all over the world, Americans have to understand that ISLAM does not have the concept of co-existenc this is the words of Jinnah, if they are not stopped then the days are not far behind when US and European countries will have Kashmirs where Muslims out numbered the Natives and now dominate the place.
At least one place Lewis explains this problem was in the Screwtape letters, where a demon exclaims, «How much better for us if all humans died in costly nursing homes amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, friends who lie, as we have trained them, promising life to the dying, encouraging the belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even, if our workers know their job, withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition!»
Why doesn't he simply help people instead of depending on humans who are financially or emotionally strapped in the first place.
------ This is a shame for those human beings in this world who will never learn about Jesus, because God placed them into an area of the world where christianity doesn't exist.
Austin: Your problem is that you like to THINK you are deserving of this so - called place named heaven over someone who has NEVER put others lives at risk and ha kept an open - mind... it is that arrogance that makes you a pathetic human.
Believe it or not, a true Muslim (the one who surrenders to the Will of his Creator) would rather die but not to keep silent about the disrespect of God's Words which take place at a country that had enough of disrespect to human life for more than a decade of aggression and atrocities.
And to say that Biblical teachings are invalid because there are other similar beliefs that have older known written sources invalidates the Biblical teachings also should take into consideration that for certain Biblical believers that all those truths whether they are known to have been placed in the Bible first or known thus far to have been placed elsewhere that they believe that they all come via deity who at the beginning of human history on this world dispensed those truths to humanity and that to those who believe in the biblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and apostles.
Social status is an irrelevance, a human invention of no spiritual importance; one can not allow the human evaluation of an occupation's importance to be placed above the judgment of God who put you there.
I believe that human actors who fail to give pride of place to moral boundaries that must never be crossed, such as the direct killing of the innocent, and who instead are ready to see their obligations in terms of moving beyond them in favor of «good results,» will be harder put «to take seriously the role that divine authority plays in morality»; for they will to that extent lose a sense of the moral limits that remind us of our finitude and anticipate consideration of a law of our being that is not one of our making.
Reviewing a book titled The Son of Man written by François Mauriac (a French Roman Catholic who wrote about the problems of good and evil in human nature and in the world), Flannery O'Connor writes: He proposes in the place of that anguish that Gide called the Catholic's «cramp....
One example of Jesus showing his humanity and the limits he placed upon himself by becoming human, was when he asked who touched him.
If only those who are exposed to the gospel and express explicit faith in Jesus Christ receive salvation, I reasoned, then that would mean the majority of the human race is damned to hell simply for being born at the wrong place and the wrong time.
63 When bloody flooding killed the human race And brand - new oceans put man in his place, Except for those who carried mankind's seed, I, first of creatures, snubbed what law decreed, While I mocked yielding to the Lord's command, For which, I think, a poet would declare, «The sin....
Of course the Christian college should have some place in its structure where Jesus and his human - ness can be presented in the Scriptural context with its cultural implications, to those who wish to learn about him.
The reality is that those really concerned about human dignity are those who are willing to place faith in moral absolutes which safeguard that dignity against the uncertainties of cultural trends.
There are those who think that a major shift in human consciousness is taking place, one aspect of which is an emphasis on spiritual experience rather than intellectual truths about religion.
Christian education is in the world and for the world... man must work out his salvation in the concrete situation in which God has placed him; not by protection but by contributing to the whole human community of which he is an integral and inseparable part... parents, who have the first and the inalienable right and duty to educate their children, should enjoy true freedom in the choice of their schools, etc..»
«To speak of God's Kingdom,» says Wright, «is thus to invoke God as the sovereign one who has the right, the duty, and the power to deal appropriately with evil in the world, in Israel, and in human beings, and thereupon to remake the world, Israel, and human beings... When full allowance is made for the striking differences of genre and emphasis within scripture, we may propose that Israel's sacred writings were the place where, and the means by which, Israel discovered again and again who the true God was, and how his Kingdom - purposes were being taken forward... Through scripture, God was equipping his people to serve his purposes.»
Hundreds of pro-life protesters listened to the leading Catholic and pro-life peer who condemned the «willful killing of the smallest and most helpless member of the human family in the very place she should be safest - her mother's womb».
So a magical all - powerful being living in some fantasy world in the clouds created the earth, placed a modern day man and woman on the earth from whom all humans are modeled in a fantastical garden 4.5 billion years ago, allows «good» people to live in a cloud kingdom where everyone who has ever died lives (like a Florida retirement community in the sky), and sends «bad» people to a fiery pit of despair for all eternity.
For the Christian who operates from a stance of hopefulness, believing that God is getting his work done through human history and through the history of nature, the inclination will be to place the burden of proof on those who oppose a given type of scientific research.
In this sense a process hermeneutic will be more fully «secular» than the new hermeneutic, since it will recognize that all beings, in all times and places, who can in the full sense be named human persons, are — simply by virtue of their humanity — capable of grasping (and being grasped by) the message of the text.
Because the individual human subject» Leff's godlet» is the modernist starting point, it seems reasonable to place a heavy burden of justification upon anyone who seeks to restrain the liberty of that subject.
From within the human community, the full number of those who occupy that «in - between» place, a great divide erupts.
And the child is not the product of our will, of any quasi-divine fiat, but, simply, one of us, who takes his or her place in the community of human generations.
He responded by relating the parable of the Good Samaritan, one of my personal favorites... bear traps are hidden, and often unseen till bear or human are caught in them... the traps are deliberately placed, they don't just suddenly appear... the answer to the question was the man who had compassion on the man taken by robbers... he was a social and spiritual outcast who had compassion on someone who in normal circumstances would have hated his guts... because his doctrine and «lifestyle» were not acceptable to the religious establishment... I have had life experiences that bear this out, experiencing love and compassion from people whom today's religious establishment demonizes and looks down upon... any reading of the Good Samaritan story should be followed up by a reading of 1 Corinthians 13....
To talk in that fashion is not to speak of a kind of meaningless re-enactment of what went on in the creation; it is to speak of a vital, living, and ongoing movement, where God knows and experiences (if that word is, as I believe, appropriate to the divine life) that which has taken place, but knows it and experiences it with a continuing freshness and delight — and, if what has taken place has been evil, with a continuing tinge of sadness and regret — such as must be proper to the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human children.
Much official theology seems to have gone wrong, first, in confining the incarnating action of God to Jesus alone, so that he appears to enter the world as a catastrophic intrusion, as someone has put it, unrelated to the rest of the God - world and God - humankind relationship; and second, in speaking of Jesus in «substance» idiom, thus suggesting a static deity who in some fashion is implanted in, takes the place of, or is incomprehensibly united with another static «substance» called human.
I can understand this feeling on the part of people who have been brought up to accept the conventional notion that heaven will be a place of meeting with those who have died and who wish to have assurance that continuing conscious personal existence after death is guaranteed to us humans.
«But, at the same time, we have also seen evidence of some of the worst aspects of human nature, in that there are people - men, women and children - in this country who are going hungry, and yes, there are some people who attempt to abuse any system that is put in place, be that from the state or voluntary bodies.
In the first place, so far as its theological aspect is concerned, we can see that those who respond in faith to Jesus Christ are impelled to read the whole of human existence, indeed the whole of their experience of the created world, in the light of that which has taken place in that important moment.
This makes Harris a consequentialist and places him squarely in the utilitarian tradition of John Stuart Mill who labored to give a qualitative account of the kinds of goods at play in the maximization of human happiness.
Examples are 9/11 hijackings, The holding back of stem cell research that could save countless human lives, Aids being spread due to religious opposition to the use of condoms, Christians legally fighting this year to teach over 1 million young girls in America that they must always be obedient to men, the eroding of child protection laws in America by Christians, for so called faith based healing alternatives that place children's health and safety at risk, burning of witches, the crusades, The Nazi belief that the Aryans were god's chosen to rule the world, etc... But who cares about evidence in the real world when we have our imaginations and delusions about gods with no evidence of them existing.
In the next place, a purpose of proclamation is to bring about genuine commitment, whether this is for the first time (as with some who are present it very well may be) or is a renewed response in self - dedication to God who in Christ has acted decisively for us humans and for our wholeness.
The hospice families, who cared for and loved and then let go of the ones they loved, have taught me that the human heart can be as big as the ocean, and that the work that God calls us to - to take care of each other - happens every moment in every place.
The marital union of a man and a woman who have given themselves unreservedly in marriage and who can consummate their union in a beautiful bodily act of conjugal intercourse is the best place to serve as a «home» for new human life, as the «place» where this life can take root and grow in love and service to others.
At the end of the day, I place my hope in the particularity of a God who bridged the ontological divide through a human baby, through a man who grew up in Palestine two thousand years ago.
In the philosophic tradition it is the idealists rather than the naturalists who have made the fullest place for this insight into the essentially social character of human existence, though contemporary naturalism as in Mead, Dewey, and Wieman has achieved a similar perspective.
«As faithful Catholics, we can not set aside our deeply - held differences and put in any place of honor those who continuously attack the tenets of our faith, and even our very ability to practice that faith,» wrote President Father Shenan J. Boquet of Human Life International.
The first settlers of Salem, Hawthorne wrote in «Main - Street,» were «stalwart» men, who strode «sturdily onward,» brave and pious men of «thoughtful strength,» men «who do not merely find, but make their place in the system of human affairs.»
In these days when the satisfaction of human wants is taken to be the only important activity, those who devise our systems of education are apt to find a place for all that I have called «play» only if they can regard it as «work» of another sort.
They often take away the diety of Our Lord by placing more emphasis on so called human fallible «saints» and «pray» to humans such as Mary who did not remain virgin once she gave birth to Christ and had more children.
---- The HUGE problem with this, is that it leaves out many humans (your equals) throughout the world who've never heard of Jesus Christ, and never will because God placed them in an area of the world where christianity doesn't exist.
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