Sentences with phrase «place someone are visiting»

At the heart of the matter is the universal view of the importance of protecting the natural and cultural environments of places you're visiting.
A French hire holiday is do on my wish list and seeing all these historic places you're visiting is lovely.
They also do not have public access rights with exception to the specific places they are visiting and working.
Our statistic system tells that dating - place is visited by approximately 15842 visitors mountly, 529 daily and at least 1 visitors are always online.
I would to contribute more about the fascinating places I am visiting in Europe.
On a larger scale, the accumulation of detail that creates this world, from pocket squares to paintings on the walls to the printed pattern on Ash's little - boy underpants, makes it feel utterly authentic, as if this were a real place we were visiting, and a place we'd actually like to visit, where the people are as weird and as wonderful and as obsessed with living their own lives as, well, we ourselves are.
If you've been following me over on my Instagram stories you'll have seen all the little places we are visiting and...
Last year I wore some burgundy cords and a gray V - neck plus a kimono top, but I really like the idea of going a little edgier at the more modern places I'm visiting.
Blogger Jim Sullivan of Places That Were visited in 2016 and found an old service station, a store called Chamberlin's that had long been closed, and abandoned houses.
I isolated myself and stayed in my room for days, feeling hopeless, exhausted, and disinterested in exploring the fascinating places I was visiting.
I've obviously never been to London, let alone Victorian - era London (blame that on my lack of funds and a proper time machine), but this game definitely made me feel as if this was a real place I was visiting.
Imagine how your life would be different if you'd been born and raised in the place you're visiting.
These photos were taken in a mindless stupor — the day after I woke up with a cold, the day after our place was visited by an uninvited burglar.
When I travel, I love to try the traditional cakes of the place I'm visiting.
I like to get things that remind me of a place I have a connection to, so something that's locally made, or something that has to do with the culture of the place I'm visiting.
If the place you are visiting is sloppy or mountainous, then you will need a canopy with a strong base ensure it stays upright.
And playtime for kids usually means meeting other kids, whom are usually from the place we are visiting.
If you want a chill and relax type of vacation but do not want to stay in one place, the best way to make the most of it is by joining tour packages that will allow you to stroll around the place you are visiting.
Everywhere in Miami is picture perfect, you can check out some of the places I'm visiting all on my Instagram & snapchat @cristinamonti.
It's even tougher to dress for when you're going to be inside and not sure if the heat will be turned on or if the place you're visiting still has the AC blasting.
My favorite moments are those when I unexpectedly fall in love with a place I am visiting.
When you have high expectations of a place you are visiting, it often turns out to be not as beautiful as expected.
Dress according to the place you're visiting.
Tell your friend about the place you're visiting and keep him / her updated on what you plan to do after the initial meeting.
That is probably a pie in the sky aspiration given that a lot of the places I am visiting have smaller readerships.
Once checked into that location Google latitude recognises the location and the next time the place is visited, the software automatically checks in — without any manual location resolution needed, unlike Facebook Places and Four Square.
Yes it's a little more work, but it means the world to the place you are visiting.
«I think travelers who spend so much time being digitally connected while they're traveling are doing themselves and the places they are visiting a disservice.
Where before luxury travelers were somewhat removed from the place they were visiting, now they want a local «authentic» experience.
When traveling to new parts of the world I naturally find myself learning interesting facts about the place I am visiting.
Two, I prefer to find Airbns because it's often much cheaper and you are able to better absorb the culture of the place you're visiting by staying in someone's home.
Your behaviour could cost you more than you bargained for so before heading off it's worth paying heed to etiquette and the culture of the place you are visiting if you want to stay out of trouble while abroad.
Your behaviour could get you into legal trouble so before heading off it's worth paying heed to etiquette and the culture of the place you are visiting.
The keywords can be as simple as the name of the place you're visiting — «San Jose, Costa Rica,» for instance — or as complicated as they need to be.
Such kinds of tours are perfect for those who want to explore every nook and corner of the place they are visiting.
In fact, I think backpacker «snobs» who gloat about how they only travel in certain ways are missing the mark, because they are missing so much more in the places they are visiting.
«I learn how to be polite and say hello, good bye, please and thank you in the language of the place I am visiting.
Coming from the East side this is a fun thing for me to revisit, I'm sure many of these places are visited regularly by locals especially since a lot of festivals center around these temples and monuments.
More and more travelers are seeking an experience that provides a deeper connection to the place they are visiting.
They are knowledgeable about the places you are visiting and can offer you as much or as little guidance you require whilst away.
When we arrive in each destination, we are met by local guides who will provide us with a superb insight into the places you are visiting and the sights on each tour.
Travellers will be looking to understand the culture of the place they are visiting and experience «real travel».
We appreciate that some tourism can harm the places being visited, which is another reason why we use rail transport wherever possible.
We try to immerse ourselves in the very culture of the places we are visiting and then share that with you.
Who better to shed light on the place you are visiting than the people who live and work there?
As a traveler, I like to take my time learning about the place I'm visiting and digging past the «tourist» stuff to see the «local» side.
The unfortunate part about hostel living or relying on your community of expat friends is that you end up spending most of your time with other travelers, and not necessarily with people who live in the place you are visiting.
Other than the obvious satisfaction of doing a good deed and having a positive impact on the place you are visiting, voluntourism offers other perks — a chance to see areas that are not usually open to visitors, experience «the real thing» outside of the usual tourist activities, work side - by - side with local residents (and gain their heartfelt appreciation), and create a unique vacation memory unlike any other.
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