Sentences with phrase «placed near areas»

When possible, the ticks were placed near areas where a rash had been observed or near affected joints.
If your cat is engaging in furniture scratching, then provide an appealing scratching post, place it near the area where she's scratching and reward her for using the post.

Not exact matches

Most analysts place the San Francisco Bay Area at the top or near the top of all the country's suburban markets.
And while it can sometimes be helpful to people studying history or archeology or sociology with respect to a certain period in a small region of the Near East, it is hardly the place we would look for a summation of the current knowledge in these areas.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
Another favorite is lunch at one of the cafes near Place St. Michel (great people watching) and a nighttime walk through the nearby St. Severin area, where pedestrians roam the cobbled streets.
There are two absolutely fantastic tapas places you have to try right near each other in the La Latina area, which is the hotspot for tapas.
My parents have a cottage near an area of PEI called Tyne Valley, a tiny place filled with small town charm.
Cat's Pajamas Hostel — it's in the newly hip Kreuzkölln area (station Hermannplatz) near lots of places on this list (Sahara, Turkish Market, no milk today, Lily Burger), an area I used to live in and loved!
«It's all media hype, and those who placed the bombs knew the journalists would bite the bait,» said Nicos Papazois, 36, who lives near the damaged area.
This area was full of locals, and some started getting rowdy near the end of the night, so this might not be the best place to go too late in the evening.
Place all trash in the garbage containers located near the parking lot and garden plot areas.
Placing a toddler - friendly step stool near book shelves or by other areas that he can't reach (and where you don't mind him grabbing things off the shelf).
You may also want to place another area rug underneath your coffee table or near a door.
You should also keep your baby out of smoky areas - Don't let people smoke near your baby and keep your home, car, and other places your baby spends time, smoke free
In 1848 a Luxembourger named Nicholas Krantz built the first permanent structure in the area, a frame homestead near Clark and Ridge that served as a tavern, inn and meeting place for settlers.
It also saves time as you can place it near your baby's changing area, saving you time and effort.
The U.S. Department of Defence is pre-positioning troops, search and rescue units, aircraft, vehicles, equipment and supplies to staging areas near places worst hit by flooding in southeastern Texas, in anticipation of a possible request for assistance.
A number of the targeted parks are tourism engines in financially strapped rural areas or the only places for outdoor recreation near urban ones.
Buffalo, N.Y. (WBEN)- A Buffalo Police Officer was stuck by gunfire in the area of Garfield Street and Hartman Place in the city's Black Rock neighborhood near 5 pm Sunday evening.
The World Bank has predicted that by 2015 half of the world's new building and construction will take place in China; our intention is to establish these programmes and then roll them out in other areas of China in the near future.»
A previous study found that Santa Cruz pumas living near residential areas killed 36 percent more deer than those in less populated places.
The novice and seasoned geologists from the University of Rochester have gone out with the eye trackers about four times a day over their two - week field trip across California, which took them from San Francisco by the San Andreas Fault through the snowy Sierra Nevada near Yosemite National Park to the harshest area of the U.S. «Death Valley is a great place, where one can really see active geology firsthand — forces that are shaping the crust of the earth,» says geophysicist John A. Tarduno, another of the Rochester scientists.
To signal which direction to move, the researchers generated a phosphene through transcranial magnetic stimulation, a well - known technique that uses a magnetic coil placed near the skull to directly and noninvasively stimulate a specific area of the brain.
The large number of detections made sense: Lingcod had been tagged near this receiver in the first place, and for them the area was probably home.
To quantify spatio - temporal patterns of reef use for three species of shark, the authors of this study analyzed data from acoustic transmitters placed on 18 sharks — 6 lemon sharks, 10 tiger sharks, and 2 Caribbean reef sharks — that were tracked with acoustic receivers covering an area of more than 1,000 square kilometers near the island of St. Thomas.
Another idea to show such interest and commitment to an area was to co-locate, getting an office in or near the places where most of your investigators work.
Uninfected mice showed no place preference when exposed to non-predator control rabbit urine (Figure 1Bi), spending close to equal time in the Near Target Area and the Avoidance Area.
Avoid areas near building foundations, streets, and driveways, where the soil's lead levels tend to be highest.2 Wash the greens well if they're from a place frequented by pets.
There is a small narrow wall near our back garage door that leads into the kitchen area that I knew would be a perfect place for Bessie.
I conveniently placed us back in the Times Square area and then headed uptown until we just happened to be near Anthropologie's Rockefeller Center location.
Once you are stenciling near these areas, place and secure your tile stencil on the center of the tile near the wall with painter's tape.
Finding a partner for new relationship is just getting easy like never before.Although every one faces social difficulties throughout at some stages of life time by time but we need to sort them out and don't let them ruin our life and feelings.Having a single breakup with your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't mean that you will be fail onward too.Serious relationship can be start just by looking for free local singles anywhere in your area or the most near location of your residence, work and business place.
You can also check to see if there are places near you that are recommended by the local poly community, or if there are meetups in your area for local poly people.
You have two choices: either tell yourself, «There are no good singles bars near me» and wait for a good man to sweep you off your feet, or take matters into your own hands and look up places to meet single men in your area.
The place where most gay guys go to meet someone is the area near the tAipei.
This place is one of those areas which give out sense of mutual tenderness bringing you nearer to love as the best will please you that you and your Indiana partner of acquaintance can arise up.
Looking for good friends to explore places near bay area Nandan.
Looking for good friends to explore places near bay area.
near all tour area A. femosa is a very nice place this hotel was good as well and very.
So, he asks his phone to show him where the nearest pizza place is which leads him on an adventure through areas filled with monsters.
Hog In A Frog: Go to the Botany area and place Poogie near the Scoutfly Lamp on the wooden plank in the center.
Good places to search are the areas around the first camps you set up in an area, like area 1 near the Southwest Camp in the Ancient Forest and areas 1 and 4 in the Wildspire Waste.
I chose five specific places to stop along the way: at a tree, at a flat and dry piece of our school field, at the top of a hill in the park near the school, at an area where a number of rocks are gathered, and, finally, by a stream.
Pages of Download Grade 2 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 15 - Place Value 16 - 20 - Ordinal Numbers 21 - 25 - Smallest / Largest Number in a set of numbers 26 - 29 - Greater than 30 - 33 - Less than 34 - 36 - Greater than / Less than 37 - 39 - Add or subtract write the sign in the blank 40 - 45 - Adding using place value (example: 4 + 13 + 5) 46 - 51 - Adding with words - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oPlace Value 16 - 20 - Ordinal Numbers 21 - 25 - Smallest / Largest Number in a set of numbers 26 - 29 - Greater than 30 - 33 - Less than 34 - 36 - Greater than / Less than 37 - 39 - Add or subtract write the sign in the blank 40 - 45 - Adding using place value (example: 4 + 13 + 5) 46 - 51 - Adding with words - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oplace value (example: 4 + 13 + 5) 46 - 51 - Adding with words - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oPlace Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oPlace Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oPlace Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oPlace Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms oPlace Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms of Use
Pages of Download: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use
Microsoft Excel required Print, photocopy and distribute New set of questions every time the file is opened 19 separate files 12hr / 24 hr clock face time Subtraction 2, 3 and 4 digits Money addition and subtraction Money increase and decrease - see cover image Rounding money Area and Perimeter Rounding to nearest 10 and 100 Sequencing Place Value The resource works really well as lesson starters and for homework consolidation.
Fragmentation occurs when the operating system can not find a single area on the hard disk large enough to store a file in one piece, so it is broken into smaller pieces and stored in the nearest suitable places.
Even better, post the expectations in or near the area where the targeted behaviors are expected to take place (e.g. posting behavior expectations for the cafeteria on the cafeteria wall).
Instead, it's the perfect solution for the purpose for which it was created in the first place: use in or near a city with an extended suburban area.
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