Sentences with phrase «placed near other»

Because of their minute size, they are easily overlooked, particularly if placed near other fossilised items, debris, or when situated among fissures in the material it is trapped in.
This synchronization phenomenon is also evident in pendulum clocks placed near each other, and even in the flashing of fireflies.
Then bring the baby along calmly and slowly and place them near each other while you watch to see what happens.
To pair one device with another, you simply place them near each other.

Not exact matches

For a time Forest City, whose population hovers near 4,000, claimed more millionaires per capita than any other place in the U.S.
Commuting has an effect on performance as it increases anger and resentment at work, absenteeism, and has a negative impact on punctuality and the ability to focus and perform at the same level as other colleagues who live nearer to the place of work.»
I shop for dozens of different companies and I know which shops are available in a rotation (some shops are conducted every month or two so you can often do them again when they become available) so I try to plan out my weeks by scheduling routes and doing shops that are nearby each other or near other places I am going that week.
As we can see in the chart below, you can place your stop loss near the 50 % level of the consolidation range or on the other side of the price action setup; in the example below it was a pin bar.
everything in the universe evolves, not only life forms but also memes, Religion is a meme so it also change in conformity to its era or time of its conception as faith.Because in pre scientific times thousands of years ago, the scientific method of approach or philosophy has not existed yet, myth or merely story telling is considered facts, The first religion called animism more than 10,000 years ago believed that spirits or god exists in trees, rivers, mountains, boulders or in any places people at that time considered holy.hundreds of them, then when the Greeks and Romans came, it was reduced to 12, they called it polytheism, when the Jews arrived, it was further reduced to 1, monotheism.its derivatives, Christianity And Islam and later hundreds of denominations that includes Mormonism and Protestants flourished up to today.So in short this religions evolved in accordance to the scientific knowledge of the age or era they existed.If you graph the growth of knowledge, it shows a sharp increase in the last 500 years, forcing the dominant religions at that time to reinterprete their dogmas, today this traditional religions are becoming obsolete and has to evolve to survive.But first they have to unify against the dialectical process of change, Theism in one hand and the opposing force atheism in the other, will resolve into a result or synthesis.The process shall be highlighted in the internet in the near future.
A serious journalistic column would not place the pictures of these two men anywhere near each other.
Trading posts were developed on what is now Manhattan, and at several other places such as Albany, and near Philadelphia.
If you noticed, we also need water to live and you'll find that most places are built near or on water sources for that reason, yet when it rains really hard or for other natural occuring events, floods happen.
«According to the economy of the world, with its measures of greatness, to be the twelve is to be exemplary, in the place to lead, to exclude others from leadership, to stand close to Jesus and guard the gates of who else can draw near.
actually many pagans survived and went underground and also in places where the reaches of the catholic church did not get For example a whole other half Europe two whole continents on the other side of the ocean etc Paganism was driven into near extinction by it's brother religion that came from the same roots but it was not at all eradicated The irony find is Christians were persecuted by the Roman empire before the rule of Constantine and then during the burning times persecuted witches and pagans (aswell as non-pagans for corrupted reasons) An oximoron and hypocritical religion
The monuments consist of five carved stone crosses (known as St. Thomas crosses), which have been discovered in South India, the first at St. Thomas Mount near Madras and others at Kottayam and some other places in Kerala.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
Somewhat more plausible are the many attempts to make Jesus in his youth a member of the Essenes, a Jewish monastic order that had its center near the Dead Sea, with local chapters in other places in Palestine.
Most duluthians do not like or go near this place... A friend of mine is one of the most talented piano players in the world, he was tossed because he wanted to play in other churches..
Although I didn't have posts up on here I did have some recipes going on in other places on the internet near the end of last year:
Located near Frederik Meijer Gardens and Celebration Cinemas, it becomes a place where one with Celiac Disease can eat out with other friends in a fast casual atmosphere.
There are two absolutely fantastic tapas places you have to try right near each other in the La Latina area, which is the hotspot for tapas.
«Instead of placing these chips in the snack food aisle — where they may get lost among all the other chips — we decided to position them in the produce section of stores near the bananas and plantains on standalone racks,» Escobar says.
In the UK, which faces exactly the same issue, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has put out a demand for a 20 % tax on fizzy drinks, a strict limit on fast food outlets near schools and other places where children and youth gather, the removal of junk food vending machines from hospitals, and a prohibition on junk food ads before 9.00 p.m.
In other places like Europe and North America, food waste near the fork affects the less fortunate.
Other good places are in still water by the bank, with the stream running near, and a clear bottom, and in any place where you see fish rising or feeding.
What other reason would a multi-millionaire have for sharing his gambling secrets with the masses, risking both his reputation and his ability to place bets by going public with a system that sports a supposed near - perfect record and is «guaranteed» to make you rich?
i hope that tomorrow we beat them to save face a bit before barcelona puts us in our places which is near the basement alongiste the likes of spurs and others.
A local chapter near you might be a great place to share your story to empower other mothers and feel supported and heard.
If you live very close to your work, or if you have a relative or other care provider near your place of employment, you can breastfeed your baby during your lunch hour and leave bottles of expressed milk for other feedings throughout the day.
Placing a toddler - friendly step stool near book shelves or by other areas that he can't reach (and where you don't mind him grabbing things off the shelf).
Furthermore, it's a very densely populated country, so you're always near a hospital should you need one (and there are «birthing hotels», for those who live in apartments with only stairs, or on an island, or some other hard to reach place).
Placing a mirror near where your baby is can encourage them to wake up and try to see the other person in the mirror.
As an average person, I WOULD NOT want you to stand or sit anywhere near me in places including, but not limited to, a PTA meeting, a children's soccer game, a restaurant, an office cubicle, an amusement park, a bus, an airplane, a political rally, and pretty much all other public spaces, because your attitude and UNNECESSARY USE OF CAPS LOCK totally suck.
When I told her that I had no other place to go (I didn't live near - by, this was the only place to stop on the street, it was raining, and my baby was screaming), she indicated that it wasn't her problem and told me to leave.
Initially it may be simply a safe place to put your baby down and early on he may not be able to focus on much of the gyms accessories other than what is right near him.
Even if your maid does place the baby inside a playpen or in a baby chair, remind her to always check that there are no sharp objects inside the playpen or near the chair, or any other items such as dangling cords that could pose a safety hazard.
Keep the temperature in your baby's room comfortable and do not place her near air - conditioning or heating vents, open windows, or other sources of drafts.
You should also keep your baby out of smoky areas - Don't let people smoke near your baby and keep your home, car, and other places your baby spends time, smoke free
A couple of other notable features: a find - your - local - volunteer - office page, a virtual phone bank and as election day neared, a Google Maps - based find - your - polling - place application.
Also at noon, Assembly members Alec Brook - Krasny and Nicole Malliotakis, state Sen. Marty Golden and other state government officials hold a news conference to promote their proposed program to offer discounts on Verrazano - Narrows Bridge tolls to drivers who cross the bridge more than three times a month; near the bridge entrance, Gatling Place and 92nd Street, Brooklyn.
The World Bank has predicted that by 2015 half of the world's new building and construction will take place in China; our intention is to establish these programmes and then roll them out in other areas of China in the near future.»
«We believe there are more suitable places for this stop, such as near parking lots, on wider streets that are less residential and not close to schools, parks or other facilities frequented by children,» read the letter to DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik - Khan and Dave Leach, Greyhound's president.
While there apparently is little to no lingering damage near Bel Mondo Restaurant in Middle Village, where the debate was to take place, there are reports of some flooding in other parts of the district.
Using details from his own interviews with survivors — along with newspaper articles, diaries and other published accounts — Fountain focuses his story on two places near Prince William Sound.
Its random fluctuations distribute matter differently in different places, so infinitely many of these people observe an Omega near 1, infinitely many an Omega near 2 — and indeed any other value.
As the two membranes draw nearer to each other, they ripple and distort so that the surfaces come together in different places and at different times.
In a 4 - night study conducted at sites near Bristol, U.K., researchers mimicked one of these newfangled streetlights by placing an array of LEDs inside a streetlight housing on top of a 4 - meter - tall tripod far from other sources of artificial light.
We know that when we cut down forests, when we deforest various places that is a release of CO2 into the atmosphere from the decay of the twigs; or if the forests are burnt for farmland that's a release of CO2, but on the other hand places near where you and I are talking in the New York State, in Massachusetts, Vermont those places where the forests are growing, and that's being a net carbon storage.
Normal mice watching chronically itchy mice in other cages increased their own scratching in as little as 5 seconds, whereas mice placed near nonitchy mice didn't show any increase in scratching, researchers report in Science.
One places the miscreant in the very first house of the first block, the second singles out a dwelling near the end of the first block, while the third witness points to a house way across town at the other end of the street, more than eight blocks from the stakeout.
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