Sentences with phrase «placed on consumerism»

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And how significant is it that this attitude of separation places great emphasis on some issues of outward appearance (alcohol, smoking, tattoos, entertainment) and not others (unthinking consumerism, gluttony)?
And now in «The Day After Tomorrow», there is yet more disaster and destruction on a truly massive scale all over America (and incidentally the rest of the world), only this time the enemy is global warming, the starring boffin is unable to do anything to defeat it, and the blame is placed squarely on the shoulders of Western consumerism and blinkered US governance.
Landy has used monumental installations / performances to explore political and social issues, such as the nature of consumerism, the commodification of art and the value placed on human beings in the corporate world.
However, in some places, Pop was intentionally adopted as a pre-packaged style of cartoonish imagery, bold colors and content focused on celebrity, consumerism and the artifice of contemporary life.
While reporting on the conditions created by the mass consumerism of electronics in places like this is important, so too is keeping a close watch on the regulations of e-waste disposal and ending rampant consumerism.
Further responsibility for obfuscation on climate action can be placed on a multitude of mechanisms extending vastly beyond any individual, from the media to tensions between democracy, consumerism and globalisation.
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