Sentences with phrase «placed under their arms»

FeverFrida checks in on your babe every four seconds without waking him or her, thanks to a bitty Bluetooth monitor and patch placed under the arm.
The best tummy time toys often include small curved pillows for baby to be placed under their arms while they are on their belly to make it more comfortable.
When the situation began to unravel, Grayson was taken to the residence of the United States Ambassador to Niger, where he was placed under armed protection.
For the younger families the children will be fitted with flotation vests and a lot of the boats have foam pool noodles that you place under your arms whilst snorkelling to keep you afloat.

Not exact matches

After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants.The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors, The Court's judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children
In order to carry out my mission to increase and multiply the lab animal population of the armed forces of the United States, I was placed under the direction of an eccentric old man (also named George), a civilian employee who....
Drawing on Isaiah's vision, we should pursue the following strategy: First, while patiently supporting the embargo against Iraq, we should begin placing our armed forces in the Middle East under the Military Staff Committee of the Security Council, as described in chapter VII of the UN Charter.
In order to carry out my mission to increase and multiply the lab animal population of the armed forces of the United States, I was placed under the direction of an eccentric old man (also named George), a civilian employee who had spent over a decade helping monkeys reproduce in that laboratory colony.
By placing two pillows under my left elbow, I can hold sleeping baby Gabriel with one arm and type this text on the laptop that is balancing on...
Progress to arm action with in - place penguin walks to coordinate arm and foot action, maintaining golf ball and credit card under heel.
Temp Traq is a one - time use thermometer that you place under your child's arm and it allows you to track their temperature over a 24 hr period of time using an app on your phone.
Continue to support baby by placing your arm under his back and head throughout the bath.
There are a number of breastfeeding positions you can try, although most women opt to place the baby in the crook of their elbow or under their arm like a rugby ball.
You may also find that pillows placed behind your back and under your arms give you more support.
Turn on the thermometer, place it under your baby's arm, and hold it in place until you hear a beep.
If it is a classic glass thermometer for under the arms, then you should do your best to hold it in place under your child's armpit for about three minutes.
Take the arm that you're lying on and either place it out of the way under your head or use it to support your baby by placing it under your child's head and around his body.
The other end of the blanket should be tucked under your arm so that it holds the blanket in place.
Then with the other arm, wrap around and place the rest of their body inside, always making sure that this bottom part of the sling is tucked under your body.
Place the silver tip of the thermometer under your baby's armpit making sure that it is in contact with the skin on the arm and the skin in the cove under the arm.
The bed / crib / bassinet should not have any stuffed animals or pillows around the infant, or other children in it (if an adult bed); and never should an infant be placed to sleep alone in a bed, or on top of, or around a pillow but rather, if bedsharing, infants are best positioned under the breastfeeding mother's arm, usually under her triceps, the universal position for a breastfeeding - cosleeping infant.
What to do: If your baby has good head control, lay him on his back, place your hands under his arms, and gently guide him into a sitting position.
Once baby is safely and snuggly buckled into their car seat, place a folded swaddle blanket over their arms and tuck it over and under their arms snuggly to help «pin» their arms down.
Do remember to clean behind the ears, between fingers, under the arms, and such places which accumulate sweat.
As you lower your baby into the bath, hold him firmly under his bottom with one hand and place your other arm under the back of his neck and shoulders, holding his head above the water.
«Breastfeeding moms are attuned to their babies in specific physiological ways and they usually place their babies under their arms (their arms blocking the pillow above), with the baby facing the breast, and their bodies curved around them, creating a safe space for the baby,» Tomori says.
Belly - a belly hold is when one arm is placed under the baby's back while the baby's chest rests against the forearm of the other arm.
Some opt to lift the newborn by placing both arms under the baby's arms, however this does not provide the support for the head that is needed.
If your child has some neck strength and head control (by age 3 or 4 months) but can't get up on his forearms, simply place the towel or pillow under his chest and armpits, with his arms in front of it.
Her breasts will begin to develop, and she'll start to grow hair in places she's never had much before — in her pubic area, under her arms and on her legs.
Along with tummy time, you can also help baby stand up by placing your hands under his arms so that he is putting all his weight on the legs and thighs.
The armed officer on duty at the Florida school where a shooter killed 17 people never went inside to engage the gunman and has been placed under investigation, officials announced.
This style comes with a carrying case to make it easy to transport from place to place without placing it awkwardly under your arm and hoping it doesn't fall.
For this movement, you will place a declined bench under the Smith machine and set the bar at a height that's reachable from a lying position with almost fully extended arms.
You should know that going to arms parallel will provide good overall deltoid recruitment without placing the shoulder joint under too much stress, while taking it 45 degrees past parallel will fully activate the middle delts and also bring the upper traps, rhombs, lower traps and serratus into play.
Engage your core muscles and bend your lower arm and place it under your head for support.
Place a pillow or blanket under your sacrum, rest your legs against a wall, and cactus your arms with the palms facing up.
This matchstick - size progestin - releasing implant is placed by a doctor under the skin high up on your inner arm.
Place the foam roller under the arm in the axillary region.
Place your baby in a seated (or reclined) position on or just above your pubic bone and hold firmly under the arms with your fingers wrapped around baby's torso.
Start in the classic position and lift the right arm up, place the hand where your elbow was (right under the shoulder) and push up to the top of a push - up.
Optional, you can place a pillow or yoga blog between the knees, and you can cross the arms over your chest just under the neck.
Pull one arm across the chest and place a tennis ball under the shoulder blade of that arm.
Next, place a folded blanket under each arm and rest your hands on your belly.
Snug your upper left arm and shoulder as much as possible under the back of your left thigh just above the knee, and place your left hand on the floor at the outside edge of your left foot, fingers pointing forward.
Missing Arm Hold Exercise — I put this exercise under «Upper» body exercises but it could have easily been placed under core.
, some of the dye has faded in places, the bow on the front was rather limp, there were rips under the arms that had been mended very poorly, and the hem was about two inches too short.
This usually happens under the arms or in places that have been rubbed by maybe a bag or purse.
The design of the cup has the underwire placed further back under the arm which should help with it poking me.
Measure around the fullest part, place the tape close under the arms and make sure the tape is flat across the back
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