Sentences with phrase «places as a source of fuel»

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A good place to start as someone who's doing resistance training and possibly some high - intensity cardio, which is a very carb dominant fuel sourced activity, would be maybe between 40 % — 70 % of carbohydrate.
Now, increased domestic oil exploration certainly has its place as we make our economy more fuel - efficient and transition to other, renewable, American - made sources of energy.
If we truly move out of fossil fuel fast and furiously, demand for substitutes — for instance forests as a fuel source — could place tremendous new pressures on our planet if not managed well.
Authoritative sources such as EarthTrack have placed the fossil fuel industry's tax and fiscal subsidies at around $ 25 billion a year, a figure that pales beside the roughly $ 1,000 billion (one trillion dollars) paid annually for coal, oil and natural gas burned in the U.S. Do the math: withdrawing those subsidies would lead to at most a 2 - 3 percent rise in the market prices of fossil fuels — scant incentive to reduce their use and concomitant emissions of CO2.
The VOTO, from Point Source Power, is described as a «biomass - fueled» charger, and is designed to be placed under the charcoal in the bottom of a stove before cooking.
More egregious though, Oreskes did not place the memos anywhere online in their full context, the link in Monbiot's article merely goes to Oreskes» 2008 PowerPoint presentation, which, as I have pointed out a couple of times within my blog, shows no more than a single out - of - context page of Western Fuels» ICE campaign, and she cites Ross Gelbspan as the source for it.
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