Sentences with phrase «places out here»

It is a great «window shopping» place out here!
Based on what everyones saying im just going to throw a date / time / place out here, how does 5:30 pm on Thursday February 1st at the Mcmenamins in Bend sound to everyone?
It's easy to imagine languid post-dinner conversations taking place out here.

Not exact matches

There's lots of places for you to find out about the best computers — but none with the focus on business that we have here at Inc..
And find out how this list was created by Fortune partner Great Place to Work here.
If US health - care costs are pricing you right out of the country, here are several places, from South America to Asia, where it's cheaper, according to International Living.
Or when we have to run to the grocery store but feel self - conscious the whole time because we're wearing ratty jeans and an old t - shirt and we haven't showered and everyone in the place is staring at us and jeez, can we just get out of here already.
Here's how you do it: Find a bunch of really awesome content you think your followers will love, then place it into a social media scheduling app like Buffer so you can portion it out on an optimized schedule.
Employees say: «Out of all the places I've worked so far in my life, I've never experienced the sense of family and mutual respect that I have here.
Here are 3 places to check out what the competition is up to, not to copy their strategy, but to find opportunities that they aren't capitalizing on and improve upon your own strategy!
So that's where managers have to really figure out — how much structure can I put in place here?
«Whoever's filling out that information online now is indicating the origin state as the District, which is inaccurate, because we know that manufacturing isn't taking place here,» Brady says.
Jim Rohn famously said, You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with As a young investor starting out it would serve you well if you can spent time with Warren Buffet (vicariously) by reading his fantastic letters At Tankrich - We have taken an initiative to share his learnings through our video channel This week having finished the partnership letters I thought it would be good if I could document those learnings in a single place After few weeks of editing here is the final copy for you on Learnings from Warren buffett partnership letters Below is Table of content of this ebook [l2g name = «Learnings From Warren Buffet partnership letters» id = «1148»] Download a copy by sharing any of the above social links (I do...
For example, you might have analytics for your email marketing over here; social media marketing analytics over there, there... and there; and blog analytics hanging out in an entirely different place.
The point articulated here is admittedly cumbersome, and it might seem out of place to think about the process in terms of the need to pay for «research.»
Here we place 308 individuals on our behalf to hash out our differences of opinion and thoroughly air the possibilities for our future.
Consider here what motivated the banks in the first place: a great amount of their assets turned out to be worthless (the famous «toxic» assets) when the bust hit in 2008, and they found it difficult to maintain minimum capital ratios; their deposit liabilities of course remained the same, and initially the level of non-borrowed bank reserves went deeply into negative territory (this is to say, they were forced to borrow directly from the Fed's discount window during this time).
You really have no place to toss out any textual criticism like you are here.
We've decided to look at our blogs as conversations, not just a place for one person to write out a few musings and a couple other people to comment here and there.
Confession time here: although I don't usually end up at places such as drunken parties, stripper bars and porn shops while hanging out with friends, since those activities and places hold little appeal for me, I know I need to stay away from certain «religious» people, those who seem to love only themselves and who seem hell - bent on being nasty to people they describe as «sinners», supposedly in the name of truth - telling.
«Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing.»
It would be out of place here to discuss the scope and variation in interpretation of the relationship between the great prophets and the phenomenon of contagious prophecy.
Here's a Bible teaching that is not good for children, especially sons, nor for their parents, is found at Deuteronomy 21:18 - 21 which commands, «If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
When I'm not penning chapters for books or travelling to preach or blogging my heart out here, my work has also appeared in Huffington Post, The High Calling, Conversations Journal,, Her.meneutics — Christianity Today's Blog for Women, Converge Magazine, SheLoves Magazine, RELEVANT Magazine, Today's Christian Woman, and a handful of other places.
... Thinking that I have here the entire poem, to my chagrin I learn that it is but an imperfect copy that I possess and have read, that my ancestors have torn out many of the first leaves and grandest passages, and mutilated it in many places.
I simply feel as if it has been a rare privilege to live here for the time we have had, and that I ought to pay some tribute to the place before leaving, out of some sense of honor or natural piety.
The point here is that the mixing of races, which has always taken place, makes nonsense out of racist theories, which presuppose the possibility of some simple racial identification.
To front - load the story by saying people were being treated in animal stalls, and only later point out it was a free clinic held in a county fairground (rural area, large crowd... likely the only suitable place that passed health and safety requirements for such an event), and to not mention that many if not most of those taking advantage of the free medical care were likely farm workers and not here legally... is beyond poor reporting.
That place is our human condition that is spelled out in Watergate; mangled bodies and land in Indochina; dry, dusty, suffering starvation in Africa; inconceivable poverty, oppression and torture in South America; humiliation and wretchedness in the slums here «at home»: and all this supported by economic structures and a system which we have supported and which destroys human beings and rapes the good earth.
Here we have the interesting notion fairly and squarely presented to us, of there being elements of the universe which may make no rational whole in conjunction with the other elements, and which, from the point of view of any system which those other elements make up, can only be considered so much irrelevance and accident — so much «dirt,» as it were, and matter out of place.
How far complete clarity about oneself, as to whether one is in despair, may be united with being in despair, where this knowledge and self - knowledge might not avail precisely to tear a man out of his despair, to make him so terrified about himself that he would cease to be in despair — these questions we shall not decide here, we shall not even attempt to do so, since in the sequel we shall find a place for this whole investigation.
Some have called it a subjective vision, some a mere legend, some a resurrection - appearance, here out of place.
That is very admirable of you, and I agree you can't help everyone, but here is a couple who now out of their excess and personal empathy for the disabled have found a place to put their energies and resources.
To place an advertisement on my blog or find out information about rates and placement, please visit Beacon Ads here.
Here as always the relationship with God takes place «in the body and out of the body,» but we can not tell which, because the relationship oversteps the bounds of sight.
Since we are interested in investigating the role of religion in America, it may not be out of place to discuss some of them here.
In place of all this vagueness, this open - endedness, and this memory whose uncertainty is pointed out to me, here I have the visual, indisputable evidence.
The stress here is generally placed on working out the implications of the doctrine of creation and specific «Christian» stances with respect to the major issues in the various academic disciplines.
Here's a safe place to come out: The Lasting Supper.
Alas, even the civil government looks after, yes... yet this is out of place here.
while breifly going thru this artical it was makeing my stomach turn, this is just what the devil wants is for doubt and confusion, christianity is growing stronger than ever, souls are being saved and lives are changing every day, and do nt for one minute think any different, or try tp put christians down, why would we loose faith, god answers our prayers everyday, think what you want and do what you do, but do nt try to put things in other people's opinion or minds, jesus died for our sins, so that we can have better lives and be forgiven for our sins here on earth and move on to a beter place, becouse souls do nt die «read the bible, if you do nt understand it, find a church that can help you learn a better way of life, I pray for everyone out there that does nt know jesus christ as ther savior to accept what he has to offer to you «love forgiveness and ever lasting life «Christians» stay strong and [ass the word of god on and share all your tedtimonies in life» god bless everyone»»
Here, then, was further evidence of that vitality within Christianity which so often has broken out in the darkest days in unexpected places and later has carried the influence of Jesus to a new high - water mark.
Since insufficient time has passed to assure to the books here discussed a permanent place among the sacred books of the world, such as that enjoyed by the ones that have so far been discussed, I feel it necessary to draw up a definition of a sacred book which will enable me to pick out of our modern world what may be called its sacred books.
The enactment, however, must still at some point include a «speech act» pointing out the meaning of the action, and here once more Shakespeare is able to exploit the resources of folk wisdom, to turn it into music, and to place it in the mouth of one of his characters, who at that moment becomes the chorus commenting on the meaning of the play.
It actually does feel like your living like an alien here on earth, all I can do is hope for what at times seems like an uncertain future and trust that the power of our Lord will get me to that place where I can eventually fall into his arms, where he will reach out his hand when he sees me and place it on my face and say hello Tony.
«I'm out here in the middle of nowhere, a place so remote I'm surprised I get a cell signal,» Perry said, according to Robison.
If only one place then better check if the old aunty was conned out of here money?
Our being here upon the celestial or outer cosmos is due our being cast from or made out of the inner cosmos smatterings so delicately placed.
Here, as elsewhere, Whitehead's talk about education turns out not to be mere casual conjecture, but part of a philosophy that shows why practice, if it is to be realistic, must take place in a certain way.
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