Sentences with phrase «plain mean words»

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Indeed, the founding father once remarked «How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words» — an invocation that Justice Scalia reprised in his indignant King v. Burwell dissent.
Plain sense is what the word means plainly.
I am not saying that it is NECESSARY for him to reveal exactly what he believes in plain and simple words, but from my perspective, before an honest dialogue can take place, the participating parties should make sure that each other understands what they mean when they use certain words, and make sure each other understands what they believe concerning those words.
As for the standard of interpersonal relationship you suggest, I would offer in reply the idea that if one is incapable of making one's meaning reasonably plain without taking the steps you recommend then perhaps one should either spend a good deal more time reflecting prior to committing one's words to print or, failing that, consider a full withdrawal from the grind of blogging.
There are unquestionably parts of the Bible where the real meaning intended by the author is not the plain literal sense of the words, and where an unintelligent insistence upon the literal sense stands in the way of a true understanding.
Read the first words of chapter 6 and understand the plain meaning.
Of course, putting the matter that way invariably provokes murmurs or howls of protest, and down the years Christians have found a number of ingenious ways of getting around the plain meaning of Christ's words.
David Bentley Hart's reflections on the «ingenious ways» in which Christians over the centuries have sought to get around «the plain meaning of Christ's words» about wealth as an impediment to entering the kingdom of God brought to mind the old story of Angus the Scotsman.
The true state of the case is made plain when we trace the strange and fascinating change of meaning that took place in the word «holy» as in successive ages it was applied to things divine.
There is only one way to interpret literature, that is to base our interpretation on the context and the plain meaning of the words that the author chose to convey his thoughts to the reader.
Martin, you don't believe the plain teaching of scripture, you yank scripture out of context and apply your own meaning, you add to the scripture and you fail to rightly divide the word of truth.
«When the plain sense of scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths indicate clearly otherwise» (Dr. David L. Cooper)
Only confusion will result if we do not make plain which of these meanings will be given to this word in the following discussion.
There is other evidence besides the plain meaning of these words that this is a sincere feeling.
In doing so, however, he doctors my words in a way that inverts their plain and unambiguous meaning.
In this regard, the parable is a key to the ways in which we ought to be communicating «the Gospel» story today, for the parable provides a necessary corrective to the increasingly verbal, stultifying, and just plain boring Protestant theology that has developed during the last two centuries — «a battle over words and what they mean
Though his words were like roaring quacks to my ears, in my head I heard his meaning plain as day.
Chaos for him had its old - fashioned meaning: «In plain words.
when people get all huffy over my misuse of words or just plain wrong use of them i laugh, because i can bet my life that you still understood my meaning but rather then discuss the issue i brought up chose to insult thru the means of an english teacher — that i care not for... my point was a valid one and it makes me sad that you think yourself so far above me that you won't even bother with the conversation... tisk tisk.
Its plain wording about reducing «the vast part» of emissions means, on any straightforward reading, that the total emissions are now vastly smaller than they were before.
I am using the word ordinary as a term to mean usual, not plain.
And all the words in quotation marks in that sentence are meant to draw attention to the fact that the field is littered with misunderstandings, misstatements, and just plain gobbledygook.
The pleasures of E means downloading the new book we fancy, from reviews, word - of - mouth or plain curiosity.
- Second Life Gullibility Syndrome: Clay Shirky is going fairly postal on Second Life media hype at a revitalized Valleywag, and his latest post takes allegedly «lazy» media types to task for swallowing Linden's definition of «Resident»: «The basic trick is to make it hard to remember that Linden's definition of Resident has nothing to do with the plain meaning of the word resident.
Jenny Rees Found They Were Rather Supportive of Their MP's Plain Speaking Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales); November 1, 2002; Rees, Jenny; 587 words... Byline: Jenny Rees THE Turner prize - cutting - edge art... on a message board at Tate Britain, where this... The pounds 20,000 Turner Prize is meant to showcase... appreciates the debate the Turner Prize sparks.
Jenny Rees Found They Were Rather Supportive of Their MP's Plain Speaking Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales); November 1, 2002; Rees, Jenny; 587 words... Jenny Rees THE Turner prize - cutting - edge... The pounds 20,000 Turner Prize is meant to showcase... lost.
To be blunt: the word consensus has a very plain, straightforward meaning in the English language.
Serengeti is derived from the Maasai word siringet meaning endless plains.
Of course Schneider meant what his plain words said.
Conversely, another court (in the same circuit, no less) reasoned that «the plain, ordinary meaning» of the words was sufficient in taking a «common sense» approach to defining the concept.
«For those of us who take seriously the Constitution — and the plain meaning of the words of the English language, in which the Constitution is written — these petty squabbles about what the phrase «shall not be suspended» means are quite remarkable.»
In making the determination of whether the utility commission was indeed a division of the government, the court looked at the plain meaning of the word «subsidiary,» finding that the utility commission fit within that definition.
Here we adopt the plain meaning of the word as set out in the Oxford English Dictionary (online) as being «discourteous; impolite».
Did you know that you won't be able to understand the meaning of a statute by the plain meaning of the printed words, but may need to consult the regulations to the statute, the federal or provincial Interpretation Act and an unorganized body of case law?
A plain - language analysis of «oral communication» would indicate that taping a person's action of spreading trash doesn't constitute communication, but laws aren't always interpreted according to literal meaning of words.
the plain sunlight of the cases, the sharp prose, the forthright speech of the judges; it was good, too, to stick my mind against the sentences of a judge, and drag the meaning out of the shell of words.
In its approach to statutory interpretation, the majority engaged in a broad canvassing of many different factors, ranging from the plain meaning, differences in wording, and the legislative purpose.
In its unanimous decision Monday, the Supreme Judicial Court said that neither the plain meaning of the words «reversal of a judicial decision» nor their intended meaning supports the challenge.»
Effect must be given to the plain words and they can not be rendered meaningless by the means that the KRG suggest.
Adopting a plain reading of contractual terms prevents insurers from broadening the meaning of the words beyond those written on the page.
The «plain and ordinary meaning» of these words implied continuous or regular delivery of professional services with a degree of permanency.
[44] That said, I think that the plain and ordinary meaning of the words «will be» in the relevant provision is sufficiently mandatory to indicate an obligation upon Canada to consider and settle Indian claims for compensation for lands required for the purposes of settlement.
It's a rather unusual use of «clarify» where what the 2nd case says the first case said is literally the exact opposite of the [ahem] plain meaning of the English words used in the first case.
This principle is supported by other statutory interpretation rules such as the plain meaning rule of statutory interpretation, which advises us that the words used in the Criminal Code mean what they ordinarily mean.
In its recent decision in Sabean v. Portage La Prairie Mutual Insurance Co., the Supreme Court of Canada has held that words in a standard form contract used by the public should be given their plain and ordinary meaning, and not a different meaning that those words might be given by the industry or trade -LSB-...]
«Viewing the NLC policy in its entirety, and affording the words at issue their plain and ordinary meaning in the way that would be understood by «the ordinary reader and purchaser,» we conclude that the «owned but not insured» exclusion applicable in this case is not ambiguous.Town of Cumberland, 860 A. 2d at 1215 (quoting Pressman v. Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., 574 A. 2d 757, 760 (R.I. 1990)-RRB-.»
[4] Recognition of the proper roles of the legislature and the judiciary requires that courts give effect to the plain meaning of the words of a duly enacted statute, and a court should not interfere merely because it does not approve of the result produced by the statute in a particular case.
It may be worth noting that it's may not be clear that the act of «deleting» content from social media platforms like Facebook will necessarily result in that content truly being «delete [d] altogether» in the plain meaning of the word (rendered unrecoverable).
The term «replacement cost» is not defined under the definitions of standard commercial property and homeowners insurance policies.1 Words not defined within the policy are interpreted by their ordinary, plain and usual meaning.
can be legitimately consulted for the purpose of solving an ambiguity or fixing the connotation of words which may possibly have more than one meaning... [b] ut the preamble can not either restrict or extend the legislative words, when the language is plain and not open to doubt, either as to its meaning or scope.
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