Sentences with phrase «plain old sense»

Avoid offending foods, staying upright after meals and just a plain old sense of humor are about all you can do here.

Not exact matches

After archeology findings DNA science and just plain old common sense.
Let's look at this from a scientific and archaelogical standpoint, and one of plain old common sense.
As a parent, I'm increasingly frustrated with standards organizations like the AAP who are so ultra conservative and prescriptive that sometimes, their recommendations (which people truly believe are hard - fast rules) often lack plain old common sense.
I would like to direct you to this list of guidelines and tips for safe co - sleeping / bed - sharing from Dr. Sears, and remind you that most of bed - sharing is half new - motherly instinct and half plain old regular common sense.
«In a sense, this forgotten fish has been hiding in plain sight in this old monograph but that monograph is so rare that it now resides only in rare book collections of a few large museums,» Stewart said.
I know Mondays aren't exactly everyone's favorite day of the week, but after a genuinely restful, relaxing weekend indulging in things that I just plain enjoy without any deadlines or expectations, like sleep, fixing up old furniture and tons of snuggles with my man Hamlet and some quality time checking in with my hubby's heart, Monday really becomes a fresh start in every sense of the phrase.
As a series of short stories — or sketches, really — there's a sense of modern horror to the interviews, where disturbed individuals attempt to either justify, rationalize, or discuss their aberrant behavior through pop psychology keywords, self - help guru - speak, or just plain old American can - do spirit.
With many horror scores just turning to plain old dissonance, how important has it been to keep a sense of melody for your genre efforts?
Many policy questions simply can not be answered with hard evidence, at least entirely, regardless of rigor and methodology, because they're the kinds of questions that have to be answered by common sense, ideology, and plain old experience.
The homophones include: accept, except, affect, effect, ball, bawl, berry, bury, fair, fare, grate, great, grown, groan, heel, heal, he'll, knot, not, mail, male, main, mane, meat, meet, medal, meddle, missed, mist, peace, piece, plain, plane, rain, rein, reign, scene, seen, weather, whether, whose, who's This resource is appropriate for year 3 and 4 pupils and older SEN students.
It's less rocket science than social science — or what used to be called plain old common sense.
Making mistakes is part of the learning process for all investors, but all too often, it's plain old common sense that separates a successful investor from a poor one.
However, it's all too often that plain old common sense separates a successful investor from a poor one.
Common sense would tell you they are shipping MORE than Wii U. Just plain old common sense but here you are trying to act like you know they are shipping less!
While there are some individuals who will tell you that you can fix just about anything with it, the best way to ensure your things last a long time is through plain old fashioned common sense and
Those rules were the product of plain, old common sense — well rested individuals are happier and healthier, wherever they might plop down for some kip.
To believe in it takes willful disregard of empirical evidence and plain old common sense.
While there are some individuals who will tell you that you can fix just about anything with it, the best way to ensure your things last a long time is through plain old fashioned common sense and proper care.
With plain old good horse sense Pregracke sets out to clean up many of America's grand rivers ONE PIECE OF GARBAGE AT A TIME.
I had no idea there was a such a thing as «negative SEO», but it does make sense, as there is also «positive SEO» (aka as plain old «SEO».)
Announced the same day as the regular HTC One M8, the Google Play edition features the same wraparound metal design (in plain old silver, not gunmetal gray or gold), with stock Android taking the place of HTC's Sense 6 UI.
Hi Ross: I agree with your point that it is technically (ethically) impossible to act as a consultant in the truest sense of the word in Ontario if one is to abide by the «ethical» requirements of the Act, bearing in mind that ethics are «prescribed rules» as invented by the mother ship, not to be confused with morals and just plain old common sense.
Everything was laid out on the table and an independent decision was made based not only on law but plain old common sense.
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