Sentences with phrase «plain ole»

You * could * stop after the first couple of steps I suppose for plain ole Lemon - Cashew bites but I highly recommend making that little extra effort and going for the white chocolate coating too.
My husband requests plain ole sugar cookies every few months.
served with plain ole baked sweet potatoes.
I love country music (but other music is nice), NASCAR, WWE, Football, Camping, just plain ole good fun!
I'm not particularly keen on plain ole steamed cauliflower, even less so when it's steamed to death and sulphur smelling... raw or roasted is the way to go.
Clean and then rinse with plain ole» water.
Consider it saavy snooping — «market research» sounds plain ole boring!
It defies science, and furthermore defies plain ole common sense that it just» poof»... happened.
It is plain ole stu pid to think other wise.
Instead, I slice the lemons into plain ole regular wedges, and they still work great (and you can fit more in the jar).
After that experience, I just couldn't go back to just plain ole nuts.
This isn't your every day plain ole» garlic sauce.
I'm all for respecting everyone but believing an incredibly intelligent guy like Redick who graduated from Duke (a university with a large Asian population) would say something like that on a recorded video for the NBA is a witch hunt, moral hubris, or just plain ole stupidity.
I love that Luvs is lowering their prices, that is just plain ole awesome!
You'll find ways to motivate yourself either with the company you keep, or through videos or pictures or a girl friend, but ultimately you'll find that developing plain ole» fashion stick - to - it - iveness pays the most dividends.
The other one people use most frequently is plain ole low FODMAP.
Took forever and a year to feel able to cool back down (HA - Texas summer so is only 500 degrees out anyway or something close) Seriously — I will still to plain ole yoga please and thanks.
To fix them, you can grab lipstick wipes, but honestly I just prefer plain ole baby wipes.
Since I have started listening to books rather than just plain ole reading them, I'm able to «read» more each month.
But I'm pretty boring with my drink — I just drink plain ole water!!
However, I can definitely tell a difference in how I feel inside and out after cutting out all of the unnecessary junk that may taste good, but leaves me feeling sluggish and just plain ole yuck!
I think buyers are getting tired of just plain ole painted stuff and are wanting more.
I actually don't consider fetishizing a compliment it's just plain ole creepy.
I am a great person who loves to laugh smile have fun out sociably; but on the other hand loves to cook stay home watch a movie read a good book and just plain ole relax... I am not hard to please.
When I saw «Death Race» in the theaters, I thought it was plain ole stupid fun.
But now here comes Riddick — just plain ole RIddick — and the monsters are back.
For non-serious skin issues like canine dandruff or plain ole dry skin, this product really works wonders.
Like all dog breeds, French Bulldogs come in a variety of different weights, bone structures, and plain ole sizes.
Then there's plain ole dandruff, which you can fix by switching to a vet recommended shampoo and lotion.
For many years, term life insurance has been dubbed «plain ole life insurance,» and for a good reason.
Rekindle the love you once felt for each other by doing something, fun, romantic, challenging, new, exciting and / or plain ole silly.
Your spot at the Spring Creek Antique Mall looks so inviting and just plain ole cute!
Interesting just how pretty plain ole daisies can be as a border.
I have eliminated so many potentially dangerous products by using Norwex microfiber Envirocloths and only water to clean JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING... from plain ole dirt to raw chicken juice to bathroom grime.
Just plain ole trial and error is what got us through.
If you aren't familiar with William Magnum, I urge you check his work out — especially if you are from or live in or just plain ole love North Carolina.
To make the pillows, I used plain ole» drop cloths that your find at the hardware store.
Plain ole sugar cookies, and a low carb Best Christmas Cookies.
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