Sentences with phrase «plain people»

Want to help just plain people only to find data on the net.
Websites then were treated like virtual mountain tops where plain people could tell the world how plain they were.
Charles Octavius Boothe's «Plain Theology for Plain People» is a glorious recovery of African American theological heritage.
By conforming so perfectly to the desire of plain people — people who, at any rate, are willing to live out the authentic character of their inevitable waiting — Christ provides the small mark of God's presence.
One might even say he's writing to the choir, for he acknowledges his audience to be «the persuaded, the half - persuaded and the wish - I - were - persuaded»; he aims to reassure «plain people [of] the rational foundations of the common moral sense.»
«To have one Hambletonian winner was a miracle,» said Frank Antonacci, «but to have two in three years — plain people like us — is unbelievable.
I'm thinking there may either be massive physician or patient pushback, or perhaps a lawsuit in the works, or just plain some people in administration with hearts and / or brains (yeah, yeah, I know) who realize that it's bloody cruel and stupid to expect all immediate postpartum moms to assume full, solo responsibility for their newborns» care immediately after birth.
I always used to be the most plain person ever and my friends would always be like you have to put on some earrings or ok we need to buy you some necklaces and now I probably have WAY to many.
The classic mix of screaming beauties, testosterone riddled jocks and slightly outcast plain people running around convincing themselves that anything they do for the 90 minutes this movie lasts matters in the slightest to anyone.
This may be a source of the creationist idea that Neandertals are «just plain people» (Morris and Parker 1982).
Church leaders became «communication entrepreneurs» and master preachers of what John Wesley called «plain truth for plain people
Plainly put since you are obviously a plain person... you are not qualified to say who has what, if any, mental disorders.
Plain persons are those characterized by everyday practices such as sustaining families, schools, and local forms of political community.
The «plain person» is the character MacIntyre has identified to display the unavoidability of the virtues.
Neanderthals are just plain people, some of whom suffered bone disease»» «Nowadays, evolutionists agree with creationists: Neanderthals were just plain people, no more different from people living today than people than one living nation is different from another.»
This probably isn't something I would buy personally because I'm more of a plain person, but I'll still definitely wear this.
Your tea sounds really interesting, although I'm a plain person when it comes to tea (and coffee)... I might need to step out of my «comfort zone» sometime and give this one a a try.
I'm just a plain person.
The body suit seems a bit over-compensating, and you can't ignore that this is the exact kind of «transformation» used to build Oscar campaigns — Margot Robbie's bravely portrayed a plain person!
«They are using technology most of us consider advanced — and they're considered the plain people!
They call themselves «Plain People» but the Amish are very interesting.
Suzanne has a great admiration for the Plain people and believes they provide wonderful examples to the world.
@Joe Ellis Ok then good luck at least it will give you practice I would say 80 to 90 % of investors or just plain people are not comfortable cold calling.
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