Sentences with phrase «plain sight among»

The deepest secrets of the brain may be hidden in plain sight among savants like Daniel.
I just took it that while these were mostly drones, there were a few scientist / decision - makers hiding in plain sight among them, the way Wikus is hiding among them at the end.

Not exact matches

The process has continued to the present; the black tents of the nomads pitched in convenient spots as far west as the shoulder of Carmel at the entrance to the Plain of Accho are, for those who can understand, among the revealing sights of modern Palestine.
-- Megan Garber unveils that after allegations of sexual predation, across industries and decades, and the offenses that have hidden in plain sight, today's monsters don't breathe fire or trample buildings; they walk among us.
«We have ghosts among us that are in plain sight
The fact that they work among laggards also allows them to hide in plain sight; once the poor performers are weeded out, the definition of high quality is raised; this can change their status and that may be a bridge they don't want to cross.
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