Sentences with phrase «plain sight helps»

Not exact matches

New research shows how it helps soldiers and citizens hide in plain sight
Orange - throated lizards, for instance, are better off with vertical stripes on their backs that confuse predators as the lizards run away in plain sight, whereas bars help yellow - throated lizards blend into their grassy hideouts.
These abilities help to gather the game's collectibles; bananas (100 are needed to gain an extra life), balloons (give 1 - extra life each), yellow coins (used at Funky Kong's shop as currency) and collectible items are scattered along the platforms or hidden from plain sight.
These are the profitable gems hiding in plain sight, we'll help you discover.
Having private - label pet products, such as signature colognes, shampoos and sprays, in plain sight throughout your facility can help establish your business as a household name.
Seeing the progression of her work is riveting and a palpable reminder that Sherman is as New York magazine art critic Jerry Saltz once called her, a «warrior artist,» and that «Fashion helps Cindy hide in plain sight; in turn, she plays havoc with fashion.»
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