Sentences with phrase «plain sight over»

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Cash starts and ends the transaction in plain sight at the register when we hand over paper and coins.
It started in 2008, when my partner Kristin and I decided to go to Northern Alberta to fly over the tar / oil sands, to see for ourselves what had up until then been hidden from plain sight.
With star chefs scattering cilantro over everything in sight and singing the praises of exotic herbs such as shiso and winter savory, it's easy to overlook plain parsley.
Hiding in plain sight Kolodziej says that the work casts considerable uncertainty over sampling results for steroid endocrine disrupters, and suggests that a survey of their breakdown compounds in the environment is now urgently needed.
Having the phones in plain sight — a bit out of reach and turned over — allows the teacher to easily scan the room to see who doesn't have their device where it should be.
Get to the West side of the Atomos's Sands and hop over a small extended ledge that can be seen in plain sight to get this item.
«This Brooklyn neighborhood has more than 50 galleries — as well as murals and other art hiding in plain sight — spread over roughly two miles.»
Surveying the works of 136 international artists in the Central Pavilion and Arsenale, Enwezor's Biennale will trace «shadow histories» that afford glimpses of European history over the period of the Biennale's 120 - year existence, including histories we may prefer to forget; he has pointedly remarked that «uglier periods are hiding in plain sight within the pavilions».
Piercing is all over the place: both in plain sight and almost invisible, it clings to the walls like a wallflower and camouflages itself like a tapestry.
The devastation, over generations, of these fish migrations is a perfect example of «shifting baselines» — the phenomenon by which extraordinary losses of valuable resources take place in plain sight but largely unnoticed.
The «Mego Factor» (for «my eyes glaze over,» as Mel Mencher described this editorial trait at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism long ago) is just one of the many barriers impeding media coverage of many vitally important issues that hide in plain sight as they simmer, only becoming news after the pot boils over.
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