Sentences with phrase «plain sight until»

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It started in 2008, when my partner Kristin and I decided to go to Northern Alberta to fly over the tar / oil sands, to see for ourselves what had up until then been hidden from plain sight.
It's been hanging up in plain sight for months until it's almost become invisible to me.
They're unexpected because they're hidden in plain sight, disguised as harmless items until they transform and scare the life out of you.
Hiding in plain sight, blending in with the crowd, and weapons concealed until the last possible moment, the last torch bearers of freedom have vowed to dismantle the KPA infrastructure here piece by bloody piece.
It's one of those things that you don't think about, until they are pointed out to you, even though they are in plain sight.
That was until sources leaked the info to me; even though the evidence was always there in plain sight.
«I was not aware of the foundation until I started making dance photographs in 2014 and 2015,» Welling said, adding that FCA is «hiding in plain sight
But here's the thing about Hartley, the bonfire painter who burned so bright from the start of the 20th century until reduced to a flicker by the padding of time and a woodpile of new masters; hugely influential to this day, his is a gigantic talent that has been hiding in plain sight.
After all, there are plenty of momentous issues that simmer away in plain sight that rarely make news — until they do, in a very big way.
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