Sentences with phrase «plain words what»

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The truth was apparent from what had been revealed in the Old Testament, but it had never been put into plain words.
Plain sense is what the word means plainly.
I am not saying that it is NECESSARY for him to reveal exactly what he believes in plain and simple words, but from my perspective, before an honest dialogue can take place, the participating parties should make sure that each other understands what they mean when they use certain words, and make sure each other understands what they believe concerning those words.
Reflecting on his experience of attending seminary after first gaining considerable experience in the parish, one older participant wondered if maybe we're doing it backwards»; in other words, perhaps schools ought somehow to require practical experience before — or at the beginning of — formal education (such an arrangement would, of course, run counter to essentially all currently respected educational theories) For himself, he said, the practical application of what was being taught in seminary was plain in light of his experience of parish ministry.
This new plain rhetoric of the Gospel was what it was only because it was prompted by a new direct speech or word of God himself to men.
Had the task been a different one, had the Lord commanded Abraham to bring Isaac out to Mount Moriah and then would Himself have Isaac struck by lightning and in this way receive him as a sacrifice, then, taking his words in a plain sense, Abraham might have been right in speaking enigmatically as he did, for he could not himself know what would occur.
You can compromise the word all you want to but the plain word of God is what you will be judged not «another gospel».
In this regard, the parable is a key to the ways in which we ought to be communicating «the Gospel» story today, for the parable provides a necessary corrective to the increasingly verbal, stultifying, and just plain boring Protestant theology that has developed during the last two centuries — «a battle over words and what they mean.»
If people believe with absolute conviction that what a plain reading of the Bible tells them is wrong, then it seems to me that the best course is to reject the Bible rather than make up bizarre and far - fetched excuses for how it can be right if you just stretch the words way out of shape and add some extra made - up stuff.
I too study with a plain bible as I want to ruminate on what the word says, and what the Spirit is trying to say unfettered by someone else's opinions.
When we have deduced what we deduce by our reason and from study of visible nature, and then read what we read in His inspired word, and find the two apparently discordant, this is the feeling I think we ought to have on our minds» not an impatience to do what is beyond our powers, to weigh evidence, sum up, balance, decide, and reconcile, to arbitrate between the two voices of God» but a sense of the utter nothingness of worms such as we are; of our plain and absolute incapacity to contemplate things as they really are; a perception of our emptiness, before the great Vision of God....
So what's her final word on the film, did she like it, hate it, or is just plain indifferent?
While the computer science teacher often read the directions for students and would translate them into «plain speak,» he did not necessarily focus on the direction words or what role they played in following a program or in writing a basic program.
In plainer words, it is what people type in their browser to pull up your site.
Don't get me wrong, there are some amazing serious Japense titles that karate chop the fuck out of most Western counterparts (plenty of which are plain retarded) but some elements of their games are often quite... hmm, what's the best word... INSANE.
Now go back into Word.Type flood plain in bold and, in your own words (do not cut and paste text), explain what a flood plain is.
To the several who have asked... here's at least my attempt at a slightly more plain language synopsis... these are the actual words, condensed to what seem (at least to me) the key points, with minor changes to help readability:
Of course Schneider meant what his plain words said.
«For those of us who take seriously the Constitution — and the plain meaning of the words of the English language, in which the Constitution is written — these petty squabbles about what the phrase «shall not be suspended» means are quite remarkable.»
On an absolutist conception of parliamentary sovereignty, the implementation of «the true intent of Parliament» (as Ekins and Forsyth put it) is the courts» lodestar, and reduces, it appears, to an obligation to give effect to what Lord Hughes in Evans called «the plain words» of the statute.
But that is really the whole point of plain English in legal writing: figure out what you are trying to say and then use the most appropriate wording — don't be lazy and simply use «and / or» when, without too much effort, you can derive better wording.
It's a rather unusual use of «clarify» where what the 2nd case says the first case said is literally the exact opposite of the [ahem] plain meaning of the English words used in the first case.
This principle is supported by other statutory interpretation rules such as the plain meaning rule of statutory interpretation, which advises us that the words used in the Criminal Code mean what they ordinarily mean.
Instead, let's — in plain English — look at what a commercial general liability policy is, why you need it, and what is typically included in it so that you have a solid understanding of the basics before taking on the wording of your actual policy.
A Text Resume is a plain - text resume which will allow all potential employers to view your resume the same exact way, regardless of what word processing program they are utilizing.
It is indeed very important to choose your words because these words will convey what you are in plain text.
You can make sure you haven't missed anything by resizing your plain text editor's window as large as possible, to see what the text looks like without Word Wrap (in case your plain text editor has that feature turned on).
What you are now looking at is your resume in Plain Text stripped of any fancy word processing formatting and you will need to clean this version up a bit.
What kind of file format should I save my resume in... plain text (TXT), a Microsoft Word file (DOC), or a PDF file?
It uses plain words and many voices to explain what research principles, values and processes look like in reality and practice.
If you are not a real estate professional it is probably wise to hire a real estate lawyer to review your contract before you sign it even if it is an «OFFICIAL» State promulgated contract form since many times what seem to be plain english words have SPECIAL MEANINGS which you need training to understand.
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