Sentences with phrase «plan in mind»

You might have lots of plans in mind for what to do with the extra money when you get a raise.
It seems like this Chinese manufacturer has other plans in mind as well.
Although he had a different plan in his mind, the six - part mission got stuck with him and allowed him to present the kind of stories that were interconnected yet standalone.
Writing content is for those that have a long term plan in mind.
But I didn't have a solid plan in mind when I began my first time around, and I failed.
It is fun to be able to consider shorter options with a game plan in mind to make them actually work.
I have a bit of a shopping problem, whether it's clothes or carrots, I buy on impulse with no clear plan in mind.
He says it's a race he would have won, but that he has much bigger plans in mind.
Seems like keeping a five year plan in mind is a smart thing to do.
Build relationships and have a clear goal and career plan in mind.
That's why it's very important for you to have a repayment plan in mind before settling on any refinancing option.
Along with your future finances, you should keep other future plans in mind.
On this day my boyfriend and I headed to the beach without a real plan in my mind.
They make plans in their minds what they will do inside and outside on a snow day.
Did you use specific recipes and check your pantry for what you already have or did you just write down the things you usually buy with a vague plan in mind?
You have to pitch with a definite plan in mind, using one pitch to make another more effective.
Answer: You need to have a serious plan in your mind if you wish to grow and succeed as a professional.
You know how it goes, you had a fierce outfit planned in your mind for a fierce occasion but when you try it on it looks way too boring?
Everyone is different and everyone has a different financial plan in mind.
So I ask the question with serious interest and future reading plans in mind.
Just clear the roles and acquire players with an actual tactical plan in mind.
It helped me create an equipment plan in my mind, and visualize what I would like to see in my kitchens.
You may have your ideal birth plan in mind, but we can't always predict how labor and delivery will unfold.
BUT, before you even pop that first antibiotic pill in your mouth, you need to already have an antibiotic recovery plan in mind, or in place.
It is a service that connects people who want to stay as soon as possible and have marriage plans in mind.
Meanwhile, she has a few plans in mind, including adding a whole new dimension to her online profile.
I like reading and I do work I have a business plan in mind but need an open minded beauty to help!
With a concise plan in mind, I started cutting on anything that did not give me joy - for - the - value.
It's a nuisance to keep tax affects and tax planning in mind year round, but I agree it's important if you don't want unnecessarily to give money away.
She worked with Indian ink and brushes, producing works up to five metres long, drawn with no initial plan in mind, discovering her own creation as she worked.
Few parents, if any, had a lesson plan in mind.
Hopefully, you have a detailed plan in mind or are drafting one to execute next week, if you don't already.
You have a rough plan in mind, and now you want to create a real estate website.
It is a more daunting project than it seems like it would be — but sounds like you've got a beautiful plan in mind!
I had so much planned in my mind for this summer I envisioned it going by so slowly, but instead it has already begun to fly by!
I've already jumped on my flower run which I usually save for the weekend, but we've got other plans in mind.
And now that you have a game plan in mind, you need to get organized!
In the beginning stages of a mission it can become frustrating when you don't want to utilize resources and perhaps your partner had a different plan in mind.
I set out with only a vague plan in mind: students would design a toolkit to prevent bullying, and maybe present it to elementary students.
I have a similar outfit planned in my mind and I just need to do it!
Have a financial plan in mind and stick to it, including provisions for just plain bad luck.
When choosing term life insurance, she recommends keeping future plans in mind (such as getting married, buying a home or having children) and getting a policy with a longer term.
That we do so with plans in mind to support the kind of academic open networking we desire, rather than let these new places become as unsafe for many children as much of our built school environments have become.
When you compare car insurance online, you have to keep the following aspects of car insurance online plans in mind in order to find the best car insurance policy in India.
But both times, I walked into the hospital with a very specific plan in mind... and promptly threw it into the trash — if not literally, then definitely figuratively.
ANALYSIS: The Toronto - based airline's new operations in the north suggest it may have larger plans in mind for the region.
A whopping 62 percent of married folks in her study wound up having an affair with their ex — even though they didn't reach out to them with any such plan in mind.
Remember, you're basically asking a professional narrator to produce your audiobook for free, so you'll need to prove that your book is sellable and that you have some sort of marketing plan in mind so that narrator is confident they'll meet their ROI.
Golder had a completely different life plan in mind when personal tragedy intervened.
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