Sentences with phrase «plan of redemption»

Author Mary Kassian responded with «Female Beauty Matters,» arguing that «human sexuality is a parable — a testimony to the character of God and to His spectacular plan of redemption through Jesus.
This was part of God's grand plan of redemption of the human race!
Obviously, God is not silent and is not inactive during these waiting periods, but this outline of events is simply to show that God's plan of redemption does seem to occur in small steps spread out over long lengths of time.
They were not plans A, B, and C, but rather a unified plan of redemption, first for Israel and then to the Gentiles.
Jesus may not be the messiah Jews were awaiting but he certainly fulfilled Gods plan of redemption.
Together, as one new man (Eph 2:15) we will tangibly present our culture with a foretaste of God's final plan of redemption seen in Revelation 5:9, and 7:9, and Revelation 21.
Furthermore, as a Christ - follower the spiritual content does not feel «shoehorned» in, but instead faithfully synthesizes the age old truth of God's love and plan of redemption with proven scientific, clinical research.
The plan of redemption was engineered by Shannon Liss - Riordan, the attorney who represented the employees in their lawsuits against the company.
The timing for Jesus was at the exact time and place in order that God's plan of redemption would result in the greatest number of saved souls while minimizing suffering for those who have and will reject God.
As we saw in the case of Israel, God chose Jesus, not to be the recipient of regeneration, but to serve a purpose and fulfill a role in God's plan of redemption.
Jesus sacrifice on the Cross and His love and the Plan of Redemption are more important to the mankind.
God continued to select a particular lineage for His plan of redemption.
Satan delights in this debate, as it creates conflict and confusion among believers, devalues the majesty of God, and detracts from God's Grace and His plan of redemption through faith in Christ.
God's plan of redemption, utilizing the nation of Israel.
He set the plan of redemption in place, and He will bring it to completion.
Doc Standing back looking at the Bible as a whole we have the plan of redemption.
Of course, this side of the final consummation of Love at the End of Time, God's plan of redemption is not complete.
Marriage is woven into the tapestry of biblical witness from Genesis to Revelation, and it provides a buttress to civilization and backdrop to God's plan of redemption.
Essentially, we've watered down the good news in a way that has marginalized the church in God's plan of redemption.
Too often we make the mistake of forgetting that God is the Creator of the entire universe and that the entire universe is part of God's plan of redemption.
The timing of the incarnation of Jesus had something to do with the development of God's plan of redemption, along with the development of humanity as a whole.
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