Sentences with phrase «plan of salvation as»

The Catechism also speaks of the sacraments as the dispensation of the «plan of salvation as one vast blessing» (CCC 1079).

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The belief that mankind will achieve salvation here on earth through the planning of liberal elites is a form of political Gnosticism that should be denounced as heresy, not celebrated as wisdom.
I've always of the opinion that God gave the 10 commandments as part of his salvation plan to reduce fuzziness in man's thinking; no more ambiguity, no more false pretenses, bring the most self - righteous to acknowledge their depravity to prepare them for the coming of the Savior.
The mystery of creation and the history of salvation can then be shown anew to the world with great clarity and power as the one unfolding plan of Gods Wisdom and Love in which all things are ordered towards the incarnate Lordship of Jesus Christ in whom we are destined to be made co-sharers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).
And it has encouraged me to think of salvation in terms of God's plan to restore and repair the whole world, as opposed to thinking of it in terms of individualistic escapism.
We present some «plan of salvation,» then dedicate our lives to politically fighting any efforts to allow our nation to adopt the principles Jesus taught as a basis for merting needs.
The most powerful, self - sacrificing love is revealed in the Bible as God Himself became a man to die for the sins off the world.The Bible alone reveals the plan of salvation and the conditions that must be met by all to have immortality aand a life that measures with that of Gods.
The movements Howell mentioned were all led by powerful personalities, but they also dealt with basic issues of Baptist identity and Christian faith: namely, the balance of Scripture and tradition as norms of belief and practice (Campbellism); the nature of the true church and its identity markers (Landmarkism); and the reality of divine grace in the plan of salvation (hyper «Calvinism).
To speak of Jesus Christ as an embodiment of a plan of salvation offered by God is already to be in the framework of sacrament.
The good news is, that Christ came to planet earth as an atonement of sins, for all those that believe in Him and have accepted His plan of salvation to eternal life.
As a former prisoner, I can identify with these men in prison and so I write about the plan of salvation and applications to scriptures for their lives, either in prison or for when they get out.
But God's plan of salvation can not be withstood or challenged, even by one such as Herod.
Naturally it is the broad outline of his theological synthesis which is most accessible and engaging, but he is able to relate his philosophy to his theological reflection on the history of salvation in a seamless way precisely because he sees creation and salvation as the sequential manifestation of a single divine Wisdom and Plan.
How is it possible to affirm, as Christians traditionally have done, that the violent death of Jesus is central to God's eternal plan for human salvation and, simultaneously, that God is not responsible for the murderous anger of Jesus's opponents, the savage brutality of the Roman guards, or the greedy betrayal of Judas Iscariot?
The Oikonomia For Holloway, as for the Catechism, the Trinity is directly and fully involved in the work of creation which is the one plan of salvation.
While a hypothetical stance allows us to perceive important aspects of the divine plan (e.g., the deificatio of man), it unfortunately requires a certain abstraction from the Jesus of history, from our own reality as sinful creatures, and from the salvation won for us upon the Cross.
If the church has no other plan of salvation to offer to men than one of deliverance by force, education, idealism or planned economy, it really has no existence as a church and needs to resolve itself into a political party or a school.
(He cites John 3:14, Luke 24:26, Luke 22:22, Luke 24:44 - 46 as witness to that necessity in the plan of salvation for the Passion and Cross of the Lord).
Second, the rigidity of his hierarchy as an ontological plan for creation might sometimes lend itself to the idea that the Incarnation of the eternal Word was superfluous — all grace flows naturally through the ranks, from the divine Word at the peak on down to the faithful: the Incarnation of the Logos does act as a theophany — arevelation of God — but it seems hardly necessary for salvation.
God destroyed that GENERATION of people, so that Jesus would be born, and so as to allow NOTHING to stop HIS plan of salvation for all the human race, for all eternity.
As to logic it makes no sense whatsoever that if there was a God that God would require a loophole to bring about a plan of salvation.
But if Christianity represents, as it surely does, God's whole plan of salvation for humankind, must not all persons sooner or later accept its authority?
But the history of our time is no less the stage upon which the drama of salvation is played out than was the history of the fifth century B.C. or the first century A.D. Accordingly, the Christian does not doubt that God is moving with power in the world today — the world of African nationalism, thermonuclear politics, metropolitan planning, and space exploration, The Christian's problem is rather to discover when, where, and how God is moving with such decisiveness as to create a crisis of decision for the church and to summon it and its resources into the struggle.
You seem to have landed on the Gospel of John as the exclusive repository of God's plan of salvation.
Jeremy, from what I read in Tom Stegall's article «The Tragedy of the Crossless Gospel» Part 1 and 2 at (I assume this is the article you are referencing), you DO indeed believe in the death, resurrection, and Deity of Jesus Christ as true facts that were required in God's plan of salvation.
It's marvelous because we believe that all human beings are spiritual daughters of God and share in God's divine nature; that Eve was a heroine who contributed to the plan of salvation rather than a temptress who was responsible for the fall of man (and I use «man» quite literally here); and that we have a Mother in Heaven as well as a Father.
Aside from Einhorn, who thinks pay TV will be the salvation of the Sox, and former Sox announcer Harry Caray, who describes Einhorn's plan as «un-American,» nobody knows for sure.
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