Sentences with phrase «planet as a whole»

If astronomers are able to find these extreme exoplanets, it could give them new insights into the properties of Earth - like planets as a whole.
It isn't just Hawaii that is vulnerable; it is our lovely home planet as a whole.
I have described how I was myself affected by my new awareness of what was happening to the planet as a whole.
It is entirely possible that, at a time when very important decisions have to be made and acted upon for the good of humankind and the planet as a whole, far too many people will focus their attention on their own immediate vicinity and insist on claiming their individual right to act within it as they wish.
What would happen if the planet as a whole changed its goal from a unified and interdependent global economy to a multiplicity of relatively self - sufficient local and regional ones?
Nevertheless, overall, prior to the rise of agriculture, the planet as a whole supported increasingly diverse ecosystems and biomass.
As well as being another fantastic Meat Free Monday, today is World Meat Free Day — 24 hours when the planet as a whole takes stock of its dietary habits and aspires to a healthier way of eating with people and planet in mind.
We understand that as a business, every decision we make has a profound impact that stretches far beyond Harmless Harvest itself — to the consumers who drink our product, the people who produce it and their communities, and the planet as a whole.
And, by extension, toward the planet as a whole.
As CO2 changes the climate, one of humanity's biggest impacts on the planet as a whole, these pitted carbon balls mark the potentially irrevocable change.
They want to change how much sunlight the planet reflects in a bid to save glaciers, cool the planet as a whole, or both.
Being able to look at the planet as a whole could literally provide a new perspective on how we conserve biological diversity.»
And then there is the theme of managing the planet as a whole.
We have to manage not by segment but by the planet as a whole.
«Expanding industrial uses in a region that is poorly understood and already under enormous stress could have dire consequences, not only for the Arctic but for the planet as a whole
Finland's temperatures have risen at roughly double the rate of the planet as a whole, a new study suggests.
It might seem counterintuitive, but nowhere is global climate change more pronounced than above the Arctic Circle, where temperatures are rising twice as fast as on the planet as a whole.
But with a growing recognition that coal - fire emissions may threaten the planet as a whole, scientists and others hope more resources will be deployed to put the insidious fires out — a task that is much harder than it sounds.
In the tug of war, aerosols don't necessarily counter the impacts of climate change on sea ice (or the planet as a whole for that matter).
The Arctic, in fact, has been one of the most anomalously warm areas of the planet over the past year and is warming at twice the rate of the planet as a whole.
The idea that climate behaves like a dynamical system addresses some of the key shortcomings of the conventional view of climate change — the view that looks at the planet as a whole, in terms of averages.
The toasty conditions in the U.S. mirror those of the planet as a whole, which experienced its record warmest year - to - date by far through February.
That background warming due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the major reason for the record warm year the planet as a whole will see for 2015.
The planet as a whole has warmed about 1.3 °F since 1900, but on the peninsula, it has shot up by a whopping 5 °F in just 50 years, forcing massive ice shelves to disintegrate and sea ice along with penguin population size to diminish.
«Despite colder than average temperatures in any one part of the world, temperatures over the planet as a whole continue the rapid warming trend we've seen over the last 40 years,» said Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City, at the press conference.
As Arctic temperatures rise at about double the rate of the planet as a whole, Greenland's surface has been melting at a steady clip, contributing about 30 percent of the foot of global sea level rise since 1900.
MESSENGER acquired over 1200 images of Mercury's surface during its flyby, and the MESSENGER team is busy examining all of those images in detail, to understand the geologic history of the planet as a whole, from pole to pole.
As temperatures in California, like the planet as a whole, continue to rise, such meager snowpacks will happen more often.
The planet as a whole has heated up by about 1.3 °F since 1900, but on the peninsula, it has shot up by a whopping 5 ° in just 50 years, forcing massive ice shelves to disintegrate and penguin colonies to collapse.
We understand that as a business, every decision we make has a profound impact that stretches far beyond Harmless Harvest itself — to the consumers who drink our product, the people who produce it and their communities, and the planet as a whole.
Living a healthy lifestyle means improving your own well - being and also the well - being of the planet as a whole.
I believe this is the most ethical choice we can make to make a huge difference in ourselves and the planet as a whole.
On the planet as a whole, there are now more Mormons than Jews.
HEAR will address these issues head on through our unique programs aimed at educating adults and specifically targeting children who bring the promise of a kinder, more respectful tomorrow for the animals and for our planet as a whole.
She believes that educating others through her work that a vegan / non-violent lifestyle not only leads to a better quality of life, but also for the planet as a whole.
In the process, they also take one beyond the upstate art center, to the planet as a whole or the entire universe.
Unless you have evidence that these local records align with others with a similar trend, you have no information about the planet as a whole.
Of course, the planet as a whole is losing geothermal (and tidal) energy, but that is a very very small flux that is insignificant to the climates (surface of crust, ocean, atmosphere) of the inner planets.
If people converted a forest to plowland or rice paddies, those were local improvements, which nobody imagined could affect the planet as a whole.
Why aren't the paid actors on power structure owned propaganda programs like The Weather Channel (who also has ties with Monsanto) even mentioning the continued incineration of Canada, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, Australia, India, Asia, the UK, the Arctic, Siberia, and the rest of the planet as a whole?
Whatever the local effects, few had imagined humans could affect the climate of the planet as a whole.
As a result, the planet as a whole is becoming less reflective and absorbing more sunlight, which is accelerating global warming.
We have become so powerful, he argued, that we now rival the great forces of nature, to the point where we have disturbed the functioning of the planet as a whole.
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