Sentences with phrase «planetary cycles»

This quantification of the span of human history would modify the Platonic conception in the Timaeus, making the history of the world a homogeneous and indefinite continuum, a simple reflection of the eternal return of the interlocking planetary cycles, with their conjunctions and oppositions.
It is (as far as I can tell) named after Theodor Landscheidt, a solar scientist who worked on the relationship between planetary cycles and solar cycles has been basically ignored by the scientific community (he had an H - index of 3 — which is pretty poor) but taken up enthusiastically by global warming sceptics and astrologers.
Can we look forward to nothing but a state of senescence at the end of the planetary cycle of hominization or, on the contrary, will it be a paroxysm of the Noosphere?
When you understand the planetary cycles, you can derive meaning from your experiences and respond skillfully in challenging times.
Planetary cycles can offer us insight on everything from the inner worlds of ourselves and our loved ones to the machinations and movements of planet...
Rather, contrarians put forward a number of different objections such as: «it's the sun»; «it's ocean cycles», «it's undersea volcanoes», «it's planetary cycles», «it's cosmic waves»; «the CO2 comes out of the ocean»; «it's all too uncertain» and so on.
The planetary cycle is a little more subtle»
They manage to overlook the panel's conclusion that this slowing of the trend is likely to have been caused by volcanic eruptions, fluctuations in solar radiation and natural variability in the planetary cycle.
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