Sentences with phrase «planetary life»

With it come, however, extremely serious threats, both to the well - being of the human species and to the future of planetary life.
If there are still different possible futures for planetary life in general, and for human existence in particular, those futures have come to depend increasingly on decisions made by the human species.
It is possible that climate change will cause major and widespread disruptions to key planetary life - support services.
If anything it is helpful to planetary life by mitigating the adverse effects of the natural cooling.
What is my place in the adventure of planetary life?
What can we learn about planetary life from a single dot?
Finally, it appears to have roughly 50 percent more «heavy» elements than other stars of its age and type, but only about a third of their variation in brightness, which is also fortunate because elements heavier than hydrogen are essential to make rocky planets like Earth and large stellar flare - ups can harm planetary life with hard radiation.
Just as scientists from Galileo to Einstein «relativized» the planet earth from its once central position to a tiny and impermanent fragment of a much vaster space - time continuum, so Darwin and his successors have relativized the centrality of the human species to simply being one species in a continuum of planetary life in which all species past and present are genetically related.
While it is easy to make the case that economic globalization involves the most fundamental redesign and centralization of economic power since the Industrial Revolution, with far - reaching consequences for political power; and while it is easy to document how swiftly planetary life systems have been placed in jeopardy, it is difficult to find the major institutions of society attending to these in any but superficial ways.
Within the continuum of planetary life there have evolved many interconnected systems, each of them in symbiotic relationship with its environment.
Planetary life started with the simplest living cells and amoebae - like creatures, yet out of them, through increasing complexity, our own species eventually evolved.
Astronomers may not be able to see the planet in question, but the resulting star dimming allows them to determine such key planetary life factors as illumination level and temperature.
CHGX's methodology is informed by the United Nations» sustainable development goals (SDGs), the firm reports, stating, «These standards seek to eradicate poverty, protect planetary life support, and achieve lasting peace and dignity for humanity.»
In his breathtaking conceptualization of planetary life, he saw the emergence of the human species and the subsequent globalization of the planet not in terms of the conquest of the globe by Christianity but as the logical consequence of an ongoing evolutionary process.
«11 Furthermore, attention to ecological issues does not warrant attention at all, much less the huge agenda that sits where the dynamic, globalizing economy and planetary life systems rub raw against one another.
At the very time we humans have been learning more about the ecology of all planetary life, we have been discovering to our horror how much we are now upsetting the delicate balances in the living systems of the ecosphere.
Whereas the ancients simply had to obey the dictates of their gods (as known within their traditions), we now find that, as a very important part of nature ourselves, an increasing measure of responsibility lies upon our species for the future of all planetary life.
We would be strong enough to accept in a selfless fashion the burden of responsibility now laid upon us for the future of our world and all its planetary life.
Teilhard de Chardin used the word to draw attention to the unity of all planetary life, and to the complex and awe - inspiring ways in which the myriad living species within the biosphere interrelate both with one another and with their environment.
The project targets focused both on experiencing a transdisciplinary teaching - learning methodology and on setting up a holistic integrative view of the knowledge of water, developing a positive, desirable attitude which should contribute to the education for the quality of human and planetary life.
These largely unsubstantiated claims are polarizing the public discourse on climate change and drawing attention away from climate impacts that are more directly related to global warming and ultimately much more damaging to our planetary life support system.
Sustainable development was conceived by the Brundtland Commission as a global U.N. plan that aimed to limit the damage to the planetary life support system by stabilizing the human population of Earth.
It is the state of this single complex system, which provides the planetary life support system for humanity, that the PB framework is concerned with, not with fragmentary bits of it in isolation.
The mounting disruptions in their wake reveal the progressive deterioration of our planetary life - support systems.
Meanwhile, the wildly complex interactions and interdependencies between climate and planetary life are revealing increasingly dire stakes, as global warming leads to the shriveling of biologically diverse — and carbon dioxide - absorbing — forests and wetlands, which in turn contributes to yet more warming.
I'm a very risk - averse person and I worry much more about the planetary life support system than the bottom line of the coal industry.
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