Sentences with phrase «planetary scientists still»

Some planetary scientists still dispute Pluto's planet status, and Stern says he'll always think of Pluto as a planet.
Some old - school planetary scientists still fear that someone will abuse «their» data, but the Mars rover missions have demonstrated that sharing raw images is a win - win situation, as those who work with such images are also the best PR people a mission can wish for.
From Identical to Evil Planetary scientists still have to sort out exactly how Venus reached the point of no return.

Not exact matches

More than three decades later, planetary scientists are still deciphering this enigmatic world.
Still, the hunt for nonterran life could be accomplished with a tool familiar in any biology lab, scientists suggested here yesterday at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference and in a paper in press at Astrobiology.
European planetary scientists are still building the roving laboratory they plan to send to Mars in 2018, but now they know where it will land: Oxia Planum.
Reinstating SOFIA would renew other governments» faith that NASA can maintain its share of international partnerships, says Bell, noting that planetary scientists are still smarting from NASA's departure from the European ExoMars mission, a planned rover.
That language is reassuring for planetary scientists, who have been worried that tight spending caps will force the agency to end one or more of six operating missions that still have life in them.
«The reality that Mars is probably dead is still so hard to accept,» NASA planetary scientist Kevin Zahnle wrote recently, «that revivification remains the central thrust of NASA's unmanned exploration program.»
Still, the lava fountain scenario is «pretty speculative,» says planetary scientist Gerald Schubert of the University of California, Los Angeles.
Still, this latest work is leading Mendez and McDonald to reconsider what they and many other planetary scientists used to hold certain — that Titan is a close - but - cryogenic cousin of Earth.
The icy fragments would have encircled the solar system's second largest planet as rings and eventually spalled off small moons of their own that are still there today, says Robin Canup, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo..
As significant uncertainties about the thickness of the surface ice still exist, some planetary scientists have identified two possible mechanisms for how possible volcanic heat can escape to the surface from Europa's rocky mantle and be carried upward by buoyant oceanic currents.
Transit signals detected in 2013 observations indicate that planetary candidate c could be an Earth - sized planet with a year lasting no more than 20.4 days, putting it slightly further out than Bb but still scorchingly close to the star (Demory et al, 2015; and Jacob Aron, New Scientist, March 27, 2015).
For example, while still in its scientific checkout phase, scientists using ALMA have found evidence for Earth - mass planets around nearby stars; as it nears its full complement of 66 antennas, ALMA will deduce the presence of many more exoplanets and study the chemical composition of the planetary nurseries.
Regardless of whether you think of Pluto as a planet or not — that debate is still raging among planetary scientists and celebrities alike — the New Horizons flyby was a historic moment for solar system exploration, and it deserved every bit of attention it got.
Even with faint hopes still alive — and with plenty of unanalyzed data in the can that will keep scientsits busy for years — astronomers and planetary scientists expressed their dismay through social media.
«We've never seen anything like this before, and we still don't know what to make of it,» says planetary scientist Mark Showalter.
I should also mention that there is still debate between geologists and planetary scientists concerning ancient (Archean) CO2 levels.
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