Sentences with phrase «planned caesarean»

Planned caesarean section for women with a twin pregnancy.
Planned Caesarean birth is associated with respiratory problems (especially if done before 39 weeks) and this in turn has impacts on the breastfeeding baby as babies may be more likely to have NICU admissions.
In 2000, Hannah et al published the findings of a randomised multicentre trial into planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term.
Other studies have shown that planned caesarean deliveries are associated with an increased risk of death or health complications in the newborn.
Planned caesarean section for term breech delivery (Cochrane Review).
BBC reported that the average cost of a normal delivery or a planned Caesarean in the UK is just # 1,755, or $ 2,143.
Because the uterus is an unusual shape, your baby might get into a breech or transverse position, and if this happens, you'll be advised to have a planned caesarean.
«I was able to negotiate delayed cord clamping until the cord finished pulsating in surgery for a planned caesarean.
If after discussion and support you still feel that a vaginal birth isn't an acceptable option, you're entitled to have a planned caesarean.
If your doctor or midwife suggests that you have a planned caesarean section for any other reason, make sure you fully understand their reasons.
Those who had a planned caesarean had breast milk with lesser diversity versus those who gave birth normally.
If you plan a caesarean and then go into labour before the operation, your obstetrician will assess whether it's safe to proceed with the caesarean delivery.
Here's a fascinating question for pregnant moms with a planned Caesarean section: Do the words «natural born» define presidential eligibility in the U.S. Constitution preclude a baby born of a c - section to eventually become president of the United States?
We are proud to offer a wide range of reproductive services at our animal hospital, from initial pre-breeding exams through high - risk or planned caesarean sections.
Mr Justice Cobb held that it was in DD's best interests for her to be conveyed to hospital against her wishes and for a planned caesarean section to be carried out.
PTB can occur for a variety of reasons, which may be broadly classified as either medically indicated (induction of labour or planned caesarean section) or spontaneous (spontaneous onset, or premature rupture of membranes).
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