Sentences with phrase «planning assumptions»

To ensure the accuracy of pension plan assumptions, state retirement systems conduct regular «experience studies» to compare their assumptions with data about the actual numbers observed on the ground.
The key circumstances and conditions necessary to achieve the plan outcomes are presented for each fuel based on plan assumptions and analysis.
They illustrate how difficult it is to translate the economic planning assumptions into credible fiscal projections for budget planning purposes.
So at # 6.6 m per free school, the average unit cost of premises is more than double its original planning assumption.
Officials stressed that the 40 per cent figure only represented «initial planning assumptions» and many departments would not face cuts of that scale.
They use economic modeling and pension plan assumptions from 10 of the largest public school districts to predict what a risk - averse teacher would prefer.
A traditional financial planning assumption is that retirees need less income than people in their working years, and to some extent this is true.
Planning assumptions including commodity price assumptions / scenarios and hurdle rates.
That may seem high, but it closely mirrors typical state pension plan assumptions.
The June 2011 Budget planning assumption for nominal GDP is roughly similar to the Parliamentary Budget Officer (BPO) forecast.
In our recent paper «Friends without Benefits,» we used pension plan assumptions for all 50 states and the District of Columbia to estimate that more than half of all teachers won't qualify for even a minimal pension.
For example, go to a tool like T. Rowe Price's Retirement Income Calculator, plug in a $ 1 million portfolio and assume an initial 4 %, or $ 40,000, withdrawal that will subsequently be adjusted by the inflation rate, and the calculator will estimate that there's roughly an 80 % chance that your nest egg will be able to sustain that level of withdrawals for at least 30 years, or, if you retire at 65, until you reach age 95, a reasonable planning assumption given today's long lifespans.
According to current plan assumptions, most Hawaiian teachers (77 percent) won't even earn $ 279 when they leave the system.
«Should Operation Ellamy (Libya) endure past defence planning assumptions the future contingent capability is likely to be eroded,» he wrote.
The opacity argument may explain part of Oregon's extreme situation, but it doesn't explain results like the one in St. Louis, or what we see in state pension plan assumptions around vesting periods.
Develop a post-disaster shelter plan — Develop a list of post-emergency care and shelter planning assumptions.
So 9 % is a very conservative planning assumption at current valuations, is beneath the TSE / TSX index's long - term average return, and an acceleration in inflation is not required to achieve such return.
Once American Airlines actually announces what partner earnings will be I'll update this post — it will be interesting to see if my assumptions were right or if I have to rethink my plans
The only prudent planning assumption is that there will be increased competition in the legal field, and firms will need to focus on the delivery of legal services not just as members of the legal profession but within the broader context of a professional - services business in a competitive marketplace.
As a result, compared to the March 2012 Budget planning assumption, the level of nominal GDP is $ 9 billion lower in 2012 — this consists of a «risk adjustment factor» of $ 7 billion and the difference between the change in the private sector average forecast of $ 22 billion less the March 2012 Budget «risk adjustment factor» of $ 20 billion.
Evaluating the risk and impact of state and federal regulations, both existing and emerging, on planning assumptions
There are a lot of smart people who seem to think a normalized 4 % -5 % ten year Treasury yield is a reasonable planning assumption.
In our recent paper, «Friends Without Benefits: How States Systematically Shortchange Teachers» Retirement and Threaten Their Retirement Security,» we used pension - plan assumptions for all 50 states and the District of Columbia to estimate that, in the median state, more than half of all teachers won't qualify for even a minimal pension.
The Finance Minister recently met with his private sector economists to review the economic planning assumptions to be used in his upcoming Economic and Fiscal Update (November 1).
According to current plan assumptions, most Hawaiian teachers (77 percent) won't earn even $ 279 in retirement benefits before they leave the system.
Based on our calculations from state pension plan assumptions, the median state assumes that only 23 percent of teachers will stay for at least 24 years.
Better yet, look for management with shady reputations and who constantly tweak the rate of depreciation or pension plan assumptions to manage reported results.
Comparing PBO's forecast for nominal GDP to the Budget 2012 planning assumption, the PBO forecast is slightly lower in the period 2013 to 2015 and virtually identical in the other years.
Click here to see the page in EK's 10 - K that shows the pension plan assumptions.
In the November 2016 Update, he stated that «the government will continue to evaluate risks between now and the time of Budget 2017 to determine the appropriate level of the adjustment for risk to be used in the Budget 2017 planning assumptions».
Although private sector economists, the OECD and the IMF have lowered their growth prospects for 2016 from what they were forecasting at the time of the March 2016 Budget, their current forecast for nominal GDP in 2016 is still about $ 20 to $ 30 billion higher than the March 2016 Budget planning assumption.
«The Cabinet has been briefed on the planning assumptions that their departments should use for the initial phase of the spending review.
«These planning assumptions are not final settlements, and do not commit the Treasury or departments to final settlements.
«For our planning assumptions, we're really on track and not concerned about meeting expectations,» she said.
Regardless of whether I use the pension plan assumptions or the actual turnover rate, the lines show that half of all new teachers will not reach ten years of service and will not qualify for a retirement benefit.
This planning assumption was not evidence - based and was not communicated to authorities.
In Colorado, only 7 percent of teachers are expected to remain in the classroom for 30 years and reach peak benefits, according to plan assumptions.
Those pension plan assumptions are the basis for consequential financial decisions about how much the state or city needs to save today in order to pay benefits in the future.
According to Chicago Teacher Pension Fund (CTPF) plan assumptions, over half (57 percent) of new Chicago teachers will leave before the 10 - year service requirement, meaning less than half of new teachers will qualify for a pension benefit at all.
Experience studies help ensure the accuracy of a plan by measuring any fluctuations in the field and proposing subsequent adjustments to plan assumptions.
There are several great choices worth reading, but my favorite is this advice from Morningstar's Christine Benz, Retirement - Planning Assumptions: Yes, You Can Be Too Conservative: The risks of oversaving and underspending are real, too.
The Energy Commission staff will work with the California Independent System Operator, the California Public Utilities Commission, investor - owned utilities, and publicly owned utilities to develop a coordinated statewide transmission plan using consistent statewide policy and planning assumptions.
A description of the planning assumptions and scenarios used to determine the size and force structure of the United States Army, including the reserve component, for the Future Years Defense Program for fiscal years 2014 through 2018.
Looking at history as a guide, our study concluded that an average one - month Libor rate of roughly 5 percent with a range between 0.2 percent and 11 percent across the life of the loan were reasonable planning assumptions.
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