Sentences with phrase «plant body development»

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Initial development of the lithium ore body at Greenbushes commenced in 1983 and the first lithium processing plant was commissioned in 1985.
I'm Heather, a certified nutritionist and dietetic specialist who has an immense passion for plant - based nutrition, animal welfare, writing, fitness, yoga, recipe development, and inspiring others to embrace mind and body wellness.
Rocheford, a plant geneticist at Purdue, drew the attention of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for his research on variations affecting provitamin A carotenoids — naturally occurring plant pigments that our bodies can convert to vitamin A — in maize.
This research shows for the first time, that the cooperation of paternal and maternal factors in the plant zygote helps to shape the child's plant body from the early stage of development.
Today, thanks to an emerging body of research on plant - based nutrition, we're better able than ever to understand how diet affects both the development and treatment of disease.
Don't be afraid to enjoy your red meat and eggs, but seek out a balance of animal and plant proteins and your overall internal health will reap the benefits, and you can still supply your body with all the necessary nutrients for optimum growth and development.
Each unit contains the following: - Unit pictures (16)- Picture quiz (exercises)- Word search level 1 - Crossword level 2 - Crossword level 3 - Picture reading - Cloze level 2 or 3 - Reading (Same as cloze reading, picture reading but with no pictures or blanks)- Language Development level 1 - Language Development level 2 - Language Development level 3 - Flashcards (16)- Bingo cards (10 small cards) The units covered are: - Living things - Ecosystems - Animals 1 - Animals 2 - Human Body - Plants (Language Development exercises in step with the EAL Curriculum)
Foregrounding a new development in the artist's practice, which moves beyond notions of verisimilitude, the exhibition presents the Rooter series of iron sculptures, all made in the past two years, which apply plant - like branching systems to map a human body in space.
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