Sentences with phrase «plant cell model»

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Below is our pizza model of a plant cell.
Plant cells are a way beyond Key Stage 1, but we modelled ours on a pizza.
To test their theory, Xiaoli Guo, a post-doctoral researcher in Mitchum's lab and first author of the study, synthesized the CLE - B nematode peptide and applied it to the vascular cells of Arabidopsis, a model plant system used in plant research.
In the plant - model Arabidopsis thaliana, the state of dormancy is maintained by the endosperm, a single cell layer within the seed coat surrounding the embryo, which synthesizes and continuously releases ABA towards the embryo.
The Grieneisen lab uses the reference plant Arabidopsis and computer models to focus on the misshapen misfits called pavement cells that make up the surface of plant leaves.
Laux's team studied the stem cells in the model organism of the Arabidopsis plant, or rock cress, which is part of the Brassicaceae family of plants, including mustard and cabbage.
Imaging of cesium localization in cells of the general model plant, Arabidopsis, was performed.
Though most of these proteins are present in multiple root cell types, the researchers found, their statistical models and experiments in living plants suggest the combined effect is to activate the Short - root master switch in some cells but not others.
This model is the first to include wall fibers and also reflected the tremendous internal pressure of a plant cell — 90 pounds per square inch, about the same pressure as a road - bike tire.
This picture was suddenly complicated in 1999, when Gerd Jürgens and his colleagues at the University of Tübingen in Germany discovered a mutant of the model plant Arabidopsis with efflux pumps everywhere in the cell.
Paek is the senior author of a paper to be published this week in The Plant Cell that takes advantage of the genetic resources in this model species to reveal important underpinnings of drought responses in plants.
A new design of algae - powered fuel cells that is five times more efficient than existing plant and algal models, as well as being potentially more cost - effective to produce and practical to use, has been developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge.
2004 — Natasha Raikhel — for her studies of protein trafficking and for developing the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana as the organism of choice for plant cell biology
We came across a compound that had been isolated from a plant species and shown to have effects on blocking the growth of blood vessel cells, both in the culture dish and also in animal models.
The organizers of the project, called GP - write (for work in model organisms and plants) or sometimes HGP - write (for work in human cell lines), envision it as a successor to the Human Genome Project (retroactively termed HGP - read), which 25 years ago promoted rapid advances in DNA sequencing technology.
Make Three - Dimensional Plant and Animal Cell Models A hands - on activity for visual and tactile learners demonstrates the 3 - D characteristics of cells while reinforcing students» knowledge of plant and animal cell strucPlant and Animal Cell Models A hands - on activity for visual and tactile learners demonstrates the 3 - D characteristics of cells while reinforcing students» knowledge of plant and animal cell structCell Models A hands - on activity for visual and tactile learners demonstrates the 3 - D characteristics of cells while reinforcing students» knowledge of plant and animal cell strucplant and animal cell structcell structure.
After the lab work concluded, each student was required, outside of school, to conduct their own research and create a 3D Cell Model Project that displayed the types of organelles (animal vs. plant cell) that were covered in clCell Model Project that displayed the types of organelles (animal vs. plant cell) that were covered in clcell) that were covered in class.
With the models, which use a high - temperature molten carbonate salt mixture, carbon from power plants flows into the cells, and then emerges in a concentrated form that can be stored.
There was a time when the green cell phone revolution seemed right around the corner — corn - based plastic phones that you could plant when you got a new model.
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