Sentences with phrase «plant genomes»

The phrase "plant genomes" refers to the complete set of genetic material or DNA contained within a plant. It includes all the genes and other important sequences that determine the plant's characteristics, growth, and functions. Full definition
Other times, the desired trait, such as the ability to resist certain pests, can be absent in plant genomes.
These small, mobile and virus - like DNA elements have been a part of plant genomes for millions of years and most of the time they lie dormant and do no harm.
It took seven years to sequence the first plant genome.
The platform is used for everything from analyzing seismic data to find promising places to drill for oil to looking at plant genomes in search of new hybrids.
This research is challenging because many plant genomes are very large.
This approach requires tweaking and testing plant genomes over and over until researchers find a combination of genes that works.
They hope to link traits like stress tolerance back to plant genomes by introducing mutations and seeing how the plants respond.
The long - term goal of this program is to understand the structure, organization and function of plant genomes important to agriculture, the environment, energy and health.
This work was funded in part by grants from the National Science Foundation Plant Genome Research Program (IOS - 1126971 and IOS - 1546218), the Zegar Family Foundation (A16 - 0051) and the NYU Abu Dhabi Research Institute (G1205) to M.D.P., and from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to D.Q.F. (NE / N010957 / 1).
CSHL scientists have taken part in numerous plant genome sequencing projects including Arabidopsis, rice, sorghum and maize.
The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens — which can cause tumors on plants — shuttled foreign genes into plant genomes.
Compared with other plant genomes such as grape's, the coffee genome has expanded the family of genes that include those that code for enzymes involved in caffeine production, researchers report online today in Science.
«Riding» different lines in the DNA Subway, users can predict and annotate genes in up to 100,000 base pairs of DNA (Red Line), and prospect entire plant genomes for specific genes (Yellow Line).
With about $ 540,000 provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation Plant Genome Research Program as part of the total project's $ 2.9 - million in funding, he will be able to learn whether that protein plays a similarly crucial role in crops like tomatoes.
Over the last 35 years the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been the workhorse tool for plant genome engineering.
This type of research involves interdisciplinary teams of climate - change scientists, biologists, geneticists, modellers and engineers who are using and developing new technologies and research platforms to unlock the vast stores of information within plant genomes.
«Digging deeper into DNA: Efficient method to sequence chloroplast genomes: New bioinformatics strategy to recover plastid sequence from whole - genome sequencing facilitates plant genome analysis
Also online, an interactive feature including informational graphics, video clips, and more, as well as accompanying Web resources, explore how plant genome research is contributing to our understanding of plant biology and evolution and leading to tangible benefits for society.
It is part of a national plant genome research initiative established by the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Her work was funded by a NSF Plant Genome Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship.
The final report will be submitted later this year to the National Science Foundation, which has taken the lead in funding plant genome research, according to Chory.
The project brings together seven scientists with diverse areas of expertise: Bryce Falk (UC Davis), W. Allen Miller (Iowa State University), and Steve Whitham (Iowa State University) investigate different types of plant viruses; S.P. Dinesh - Kumar (UC Davis) and Dan Voytas (University of Minnesota) are leaders in the field of site - directed mutagenesis and plant genome engineering; and Clare Casteel (UC Davis) and Jander are experts in studying plant - insect interactions.
This text covers topics ranging from plant genome structure and the key control points in how genes are expressed, to the mechanisms by which proteins are generated and how their activities are controlled and altered by posttranslational modifications.
As for the identities of Mendel's other four genes, Weeden says he expects them to be revealed in the next few years as more plant genomes give up their sequences.
His own lab plans to do a more in - depth analysis and compare it to other known algae and land plant genomes so as to see what's unique and similar.
The USDA is negotiating a deal between the US and Britain on sharing data, whereby wheat information would be deposited in the National Agricultural Library's plant genome database in Maryland, and British scientists would receive software tools for interrogating the database.
One is that knocking out the excision repair system leads to an increase in plant genome mutations even when the plant is kept in the dark, away from UV or other forms of light.
The UNC scientists hope to determine why that is and precisely how plants» distinctive set of excision repair proteins work together to keep plant genomes in good repair.
It's the most complicated plant genome to be deciphered to date and promises to increase the efficiency of the crop itself.
Endophyte genomes undergo CpG methylation, while prokaryotic genomes do not, making it easy to sequence either of these along with the particular plant genome (s) of interest.
Terminal - repeat retrotransposons in miniature (TRIM) are involved in restructuring plant genomes.
A spruce gene map infers ancient plant genome reshuffling and subsequent slow evolution in the gymnosperm lineage leading to extant conifers.
Give - and - take: interactions between DNA transposons and their host plant genomes.
Plant genomes encode the myosin XI family of myosin proteins.
You can use to ask sophisticated questions about the genes across all of our databases concerning crop and model plant genomes:
Seqping: gene prediction pipeline for plant genomes using self - training gene models and transcriptomic data
December 14, 2000 First plant genome completed A multi-national research team reports the completion of the Arabidopsis genome in the December 14, 2000 issue of Nature.
We shared our experiences and knowledge from producing animal reference genomes to enable plant genomes researchers to deliver high - quality, standardised data for the first gold standard tomato reference genome Continue reading →
We can make some headway in understanding a new Joshua tree genome sequence by using what we know about the general structure of protein - coding genes, and comparing genes found that way to other sequenced plant genomes about which more is known, like maize or Arabidopsis thaliana.
Sequencing the gigabase plant genome of the wild tomato species Solanum pennellii using Oxford Nanopore single molecule sequencing
Joe Parker from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew gives a talk at London Calling 2016 on how he used the MinION to analyse plant genomes in a tent in the middle of Snowdonia National Park.
With further improvements of the sequencing technology and increased throughput of the PromethION sequencer we aim to generate near - finished assemblies of large and repetitive plant genomes and cost - efficiently perform de novo sequencing of large collections of microbial pathogens and the microbial communities that surround our crops.
We need but recall that scientific developments in GM cereals began with the observation of natural bacteria which spontaneously modified plant genomes.
By sequencing the genome of the extensively studied moss Physcomitrella patens and comparing it to the sequenced genomes of rice, the flowering plant Arabidopsis, and single - cell algae, an international team has been able to look at what the ancestral land - plant genome looked like.
The microbe Agrobacterium tumefaciens is harmful to plants and useful to scientists for the same reason: It transfers DNA into plant genomes.
Real - time nanopore sequencing and analysis of plant genomes in a tent in Snowdonia National Park
Traditional crossbreeding mixes entire plant genomes and can take decades to yield a new variety.
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