Sentences with phrase «plant world»

The world will become full of nuclear power plants world.
It's an animal - eat - plant world out there, with the consumers and consumed engaged in a continuous evolutionary race to come out ahead.
What all of this means is that, with climate change and the constant threat of development, we're going to see more and more of this delicate plant world disappear.
Meanwhile, everyone else in my miniature plant world is coming along fine.
Listen to some of the excerpts from the prayers: Supreme Lord, let there be peace in the sky and in the atmosphere, peace in plant world and in the forests; let cosmic powers be peaceful: Let Brahma be peaceful; let there be undiluted and fulfilling peace everywhere.
In other words, a parasite can spread less effectively as it is unable to find its special host plant as easily in a biodiverse plant world.
Boost Memory, Regenerate Neurons with this Ancient Plant The world's most ancient tree has something to teach us, and give to us, as far as...
«Certain projects announced in 2007 to 2009, with signed utility contracts in hand, are finally securing financing, breaking ground and will eventually become the largest solar plants the world has ever seen.
In the plant world food was chosen first from wild edible grains and fruits of nature, and then was systematically planted, cultivated, and harvested.
In God's original design, angels serve as the «messengers» that would carry communication from God and from humans not only to and from each other, but also to and from the animal kingdom, the plant world, and the natural forces of creation.
The plant world is represented by the cottonwood tree set up in the center of the ceremonial circle.
Thankfully, there are plenty of umami - rich ingredients in the plant world, and many of them happen to be perfect for making an intense, savory soup.
So as you can see, these two root vegetables come from very different parts of the plant world, even though their names have become so intertwined in the U.S. marketplace.
We carefully select our raw materials, obtaining the very best the plant world has to offer.
With over 25 years of experience in the plant world, Naturex extends the realm of possibilities by leveraging our sourcing network for privileged access to a wide variety of raw materials.
I've been guilty of christening the zucchini with the iceberg lettuce of the plant world crown.
In the plant world, this is pretty unusual.
The darling of the plant world is known for its dark yellow hue, which stains everything whether you want it to or not.
This is a unique accomplishment in the plant world.
It contains all the essential amino - acids your body needs for building protein, and also Vitamin B - 12, very rare in the plant world, making it a great add - in for vegetarians and vegans.
Little Bird Botanicals Little Red Bird Botanicals is a place to work on specific health issues, discover the plant world, and deepen your connection to the plants that can heal you.
The Omega 3 oils are derived primarily from fish and from flax seeds in the plant world.
There isn't much investment in the plant world
They provide our food and contribute color to the plant world.
Sexual expression is complicated in the plant world.
«It opens a door on a type of plant - microbial interaction that we're going to find all over the plant world,» he says.
The BPEC cell developed by the researchers is based on the naturally occurring process of photosynthesis in plants, in which light drives electrons that produce storable chemical energetic molecules, that are the fuels of all cells in the animal and plant worlds.
In the past decade, Arabidopsis has emerged as the primary model plant for geneticists working on plant morphogenesis, to the point that it may now be considered the Drosophila of the plant world.
A recent study by a Kansas State University weed scientist finds why the invasive weed kochia is like a cockroach of the plant world.
«In the plant world, close relatives make bad neighbours,» said Dr Owen Lewis of Oxford University's Department of Zoology, who led the study.
Titan arums, native to the sweltering tropical forests of Sumatra, produce the largest unbranched inflorescences in the plant world, routinely topping the heights of the tallest professional basketball players.
The same appears to be true in the plant world, where reduced individual growth can benefit the broader community.
Her plants are Arabidopsis thaliana, or common mustard cress — roadside weeds that serve as the plant world's equivalent of lab rats.
The home team holds the advantage over visitors — at least in the plant world.
MSU research shows that the home team holds the advantage over visitors — at least in the plant world.
A cousin of cabbage and radishes, Arabidopsis is the laboratory mouse of the plant world.
The team showed that the microorganisms employ tricks from the plant world, namely the water - repellent behaviour of the leaves of lotus plants and roses.
«This work has major implications for conservation and our stewardship of the plant world,» Hedin continued.
No less than 500 new species of cichlids, brightly coloured perch - like fish, evolved in Lake Victoria (East Africa) over the past 15,000 years — a record in the animal and plant world.
For a very long time, carbon has been taken out of the atmosphere by the plant world.
When Ning Zheng got side - tracked from his studies of protein degradation, he never expected to end up in the plant world.
In nature, sugar is locked up tight by the structure and biology of the plant world.
In the plant world, lavender is probably the most well - known essential oil, and it's used for a multitude of reasons — relaxation, skin care, wound healing, and so much more.
Promising: Asparagus High in lutein, asparagus ranks among the plant world's best sources of vitamin E, an antioxidant linked with reduced risk of vision - clouding cataracts.
Continually check that you're not on autopilot, and if thoughts come into your mind, shift your attention back to your physical contact with the plant world.
The plant world is incredible, and is forever supplying us with what we need in order to, not only survive, but thrive on this planet.
All grains have various properties that protect them in the plant world and allow them to survive to produce seed.
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