Sentences with phrase «plants as litter boxes»

Cats use your plants as litter boxes and your sofa as a scratching post.
Also ensure that the cat is not using potted house plants as a litter box.
Keep neighborhood cats from using your garden or container plantings as a litter box with the Cat Scat Mat, a non-toxic way to say «No Trespassing!»

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They dig up your plants, use them for toys, or worse use the garden bed as a litter box.
Today's litter box designs include new shapes, such as corner boxes; alternate entry points, like top - access boxes; options that come disguised as end tables or plants; and those with more functionally - focused upgrades.
Another great idea is to place a litter box out of view in your garden to encourage your kitty to not use your plants as a bathroom.
If the plants have enough room between them for the soil to be visible, chicken - wire mesh or window - screening material on the ground prohibits the cats from digging in these areas, which seems to make it less likely they'll use it as a litter box.
Recently, I brought a new kitten into my home, and I've noticed that he's decided to urinate in a potted plant, using the plant as a cat litter box.
It would also be a good idea to remove any potted plants in the cat's living area as fluffy might think it is the litter box.
To help reduce conflict in the community, the organization provides information for humane ways to keep cats out of your yard, including fencing options, using scented plants as a deterrent, and how to build outdoor litter boxes that will help keep cats from digging in your garden.
Plant catnip as well as its showier cousin, catmint, to lure the cats to the welcome zones, and set up an outdoor litter box (with a mound of sand, dirt or soft - particle mulch).
Your cat can be trained to use the litter box, to stop using your furniture as a scratching post, to treat you as its companion, not its next kill, and to leave your plants alone.
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