Sentences with phrase «plaque deposits»

"Plaque deposits" refers to the buildup of substances, like fatty materials, in certain areas of the body. These deposits can clog or narrow blood vessels, potentially causing various health issues. Full definition
At 10 months of age the mouse models were found have no amyloid plaque deposits at all.
Unlike dogs, cats don't chew on bones or chews; so they are more prone to getting plaque deposits on their teeth.
These products will wipe off plaque deposits from the surface of the tooth and, though they lack the ability to pick food particles out of the gum socket, they are probably the next best thing to brushing and, like brushing, these products are best used daily.
Much like the buildup of plaque deposits in human veins and arteries, an accumulation of debt gained momentum exponentially until the economy crashed, wiping out bad debts — along with savings on the other side of the balance sheet.
«Overnight, the injected bacteria caused plaque deposits with a single bacterium in the middle,» said Tanzi.
High blood pressure or a sudden heart attack are culprits, as is coronary artery disease, following the buildup of fatty plaque deposits that block the blood route to the heart.
Pterostilbene is also beneficial for preventing plaque deposits in our arteries which causes narrowing and blockage of the arteries.
Reducing progranulin markedly increased amyloid - beta plaque deposits in the brain as well as memory impairments.
Specifically, people who got plenty of physical activity and had a normal BMI had fewer plaque deposits and tangles than those who got less exercise and had higher BMIs.
Learn about the world's very best treatments for arteriosclerosis known as hardening of the arteries via plaque deposits.
Over time, too much glucose in the blood can lead to increased plaque deposits on the insides of the blood vessel walls.
Plaque deposits build up on animal's teeth in the same way as it does on humans.
They also found plaque deposits in the carotid artery of 18 percent of the women who had not breast - fed and 10 percent of those who had.
«Our study shows that both higher levels of HDL — good — and lower levels of LDL — bad — cholesterol in the bloodstream are associated with lower levels of amyloid plaque deposits in the brain,» said Bruce Reed, lead study author and associate director of the UC Davis Alzheimer's Disease Center.
A Japanese study conducted last year concluded that mice fed with maitake, king trumpet, or beech mushrooms had lower levels of atherosclerosis, the inflammatory process that causes plaque deposits to build up in arteries, than mice fed regular diets.
TMAO is thought to encourage fatty plaque deposits to form within arteries (atherosclerosis), and therefore, the more TMAO you have in your blood the greater your risk of heart disease might be.
CVDs typically develop over decades, characterized by arteries that clog and harden from plaque deposits in which calcium is the main mineral component.
However, there are others who accumulate cholesterol in the blood, resulting in high serum cholesterol counts that lead to atherosclerosis, which is plaque deposits of cholesterol, fats, and other remains in the walls of medium - sized and large arteries.
In fact, the plaque deposits from bad bugs in the mouth are the same types of plaque found in arterial walls in heart disease sufferers!
However, she warned me that if I did not lose weight, PCOS would lead to diabetes and heart disease because women with PCOS are twice as likely to suffer from plaque deposit in their arteries as compared to women without the syndrome.
The blend is very effective for reducing throat infections and plaque deposits.
A soft - bristled toothbrush should be used to clean your pet's teeth daily to remove any food particles and prevent the build up of tartar and plaque deposits.
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