Sentences with phrase «plasma cells make»

Normal plasma cells make antibodies to help the body fight infection and disease.
The abnormal plasma cells make M protein, which is sometimes found during a routine blood or urine test.
The plasma cells make antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses, to stop infection and disease.

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Cells in mom's gut watch what's coming through and if there's an infectious cell, a special cell in mom's gut called a plasma cell heads to the breast and helps the breast make SIgA in the milk to protect the baby.
Tattoos are permanent because the ink remains walled off within the body via the body's inflammatory process, making the possibility of the ink migrating into the mother's blood plasma and then into the milk - making cells of the breast, next to impossible.»
If the red blood cells clump, only the plasma will make it through, causing the dye to turn teal and indicating that the corresponding marker (A on the left and B on the right) is present.
Lack of dystrophin makes the muscle cell plasma membrane more vulnerable to injury.
Cancers of the breast, prostate, colorectal system, liver and kidney as well as multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells that make antibodies to fight viruses and bacteria, strike earlier, deadlier and more often in some racial and ethnic groups, the National Cancer Institute has shown.
The diagnosis of multiple myeloma is made by the presence of elevated abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow.
Myeloma — also referred to as multiple myeloma or plasma cell myeloma — is a cancer that originates in plasma cells, a type of white blood cell that makes antibodies.
In this type of plasma cell neoplasm, less than 10 % of the bone marrow is made up of abnormal plasma cells and there is no cancer.
The plasma cells also make an antibody protein, called M protein, that is not needed by the body and does not help fight infection.
Plasma cells develop from B lymphocytes (B cells), a type of white blood cell that is made in the bone marrow.
Myeloma — also referred to as multiple myeloma or plasma cell myeloma — is a cancer that originates in plasma cells, a type of white blood cell that make antibodies.
Multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms (cancers) are diseases in which the body makes too many plasma cells.
Injections of Growth Factors, when used for many other types of medical treatments, are made from a patient's own blood and blood cells and is called PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or PDGF (Platelet Derived Growth Factors) Therapy.
Lymphatic fluid is a clear fluid that fills the spaces between the cells of body tissues and makes up the portion of our blood known as plasma.
Blood is made up of four things: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
We know little about the specific stimuli that make plasma cell tumors develop but in humans, risk factors include exposure to petroleum products and radiation.
In the lymph nodes, «B» type lymphocytes, through their derivative «plasma cells», make antibodies to the antigens brought by the macrophages (humoral immunity); and «T» type lymphocytes prepare themselves to attack the foreign antigens (cellular immunity).
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