Sentences with phrase «plastic items»

As society has developed new uses for plastics, the variety and quantity of plastic items found in the marine environment has increased dramatically.
However, everyone can do something right now about ocean plastic pollution by avoiding single - use plastic items and recycling plastic upon disposal.
After years of campaigning, BPA is finally being removed from many plastic items.
While most plastic items do lack some durability, this one is ideal for giving you excellent durability and it should help you when it comes to keeping your child busy.
Plastic items such as single use shampoo / conditioner plastic containers can not be recycled, so please plan to bring any plastics back to your home countries for recycling.
However, the caveat is that any items which could cause harm like hard plastic items must be removed.
And others will say that they rather like the convenience that plastic items afford, or that they're rather partial to mac»n cheese from a box.
I will be doing more crafty things later this year and this will have to be one, including more plastic items, been so busy lately.
These thrown away plastic items end up in land fill sites and even in the ocean.
The market used to offer an endless number of live green plants, but it is down to mostly plastic items.
I fed it a 2 - digit number of glass items, a larger 2 - digit number of metal items and an even larger 2 - digit number of plastic items.
Do you have to lock up garbage bags, packaging, dry - cleaning bags, cups, straws, and all other plastic items in your home so your cat doesn't chew on them?
BPA turns up in many other plastic items, such as toys, dental sealants, and water bottles.
These systems are not designed to remove small plastic items such as plastic buds, which can kill marine animals and birds that swallow them.»
Look for BPA - free, soft plastic items with a variety of visual and textural stimulation that are free from any small parts that might become dislodged.
Never get critter trail or other cramped cages with many tubes and plastic items as they are too small and your furry pet won't enjoy it.
In today's economy, many businesses recycle plastic items because it saves them money on waste disposal costs.
... researchers purchased about 450 plastic items from stores including Whole Foods and Walmart, specifically choosing products that come in contact with food, such as deli packaging and baby bottles.
Since the texture is similar to certain household objects that often draw a puppy's attention — shoes, remote controls, and other soft plastic items — they will find the mouth feel of this toy appealing.
The only way to know which plastic items are actually BPA - free is to:
You should also avoid plastic items in the cage, as these may be chewed by your hamster as well.
Now multiply that one cup by billions of plastic items over years and years — actually about 60 years, starting after World War II, when we really began to make plastic products en masse.
The buttons to select drive, reverse and neutral are non-descript black plastic items.
Secondary microplastics originate from the «degradation of larger plastic items into smaller plastic fragments once exposed to marine environment.
SPU officials revisit the list each year, creating exemptions for certain plastic items — such as straws and other utensils.
Peter Skelton, from WRAP, said: «Plastic milk bottles are probably the most common plastic item found in household waste and manufacturers and brand owners have taken the current handled designs as far as they can go in terms of lightweighting.
Recycling facilities often send small plastic items like pods straight to landfill because they are too small to process
Consumers and retailers in Indian state Maharashtra must dispose of banned plastic items such as PET bottles smaller than 0.5 L until June 23, 2018
Most plastic items leach chemicals that act like the sex hormone estrogen into food products, even if they don't contain BPA, according to a study in Environmental Health Perspectives, reports NPR.
Iconic 20th - century plastic objects are beginning to degrade, so London's Victoria and Albert Museum is working with researchers to find ways to conserve plastic items in its collection, including an inflatable chair and a 1960s PVC dress.
A peak microplastics concentration was measured at Rees on the Nederhijn, where 3.9 million plastic items per square kilometer (or 21,839 particles per 1000 cubic meters) were found in a single water sample.
In France, some disposable plastic items are banned and in the Britain, leading pub chain Wetherspoons has banned disposable, one - use plastic drinking straws.
The fingerprinting system could one day provide a cheap way of pre-screening rubbish for recycling, allowing plastic items to be sorted automatically according to the polymer from which they are made.
Even if the introduction of large litter items into the marine environment ceased, the abundance of micro-plastics would continue to increase because of the fragmentation of the existing plastic items.
Records show that marine litter is dominated by plastic items, both in shallow and deeper waters.
More than 600 of the collected plastic items, representing the different types of litter found, were subsequently analysed for toxins using X-ray fluorescence.
The number of plastic items varied widely, from 0.4 items per 100 square meters (about the size of a two - bedroom Manhattan flat), in Australia, to 25.6 items per 100 square meters in Indonesia.
This technique is used to make large, hollow plastic items (toys, furniture, sporting equipment, septic tanks, garbage cans and kayaks).
This means that once plastic items are flung down a conveyor belt and churned out into the world they remain there, unless recycled or incinerated.
As you're reading this article, chances are you will find several plastic items within your reach, your computer or phone, a pen, maybe an old food container lingering on your desk.
There are certainly the most options to choose from when looking for gifts for children, but I've found that many are lower - quality plastic items that break easily and release harmful endocrine disrupting chemicals into the home or that only facilitate one activity.
Or else teams can build various structures using discarded plastic items (Best out of Waste).
It's also disappointing to find the gearknob is plain plastic item — you'd expect leather at this level.
The emergence of affordable 3D printers is enabling a whole new era of prototyping and fabrication, and allowing those armed with a 3D CAD file to create a custom or one - of - a-kind plastic item quickly and easily.
These products made our BAN List 2.0 as some of the world's worst plastic items — from both an environmental and toxic chemicals perspective.In fact, plastic straws are one of the top polluters on our beaches and can be harmful to animals.
Since plastic bags gained the spotlight a few years ago, straws have now become the poster child of plastic pollution and a groundswell of communities, businesses, organizations, and governments have set out to get rid of this pernicious plastic item that is found on our beaches and in our ocean worldwide.
But it turns out many of the tiny plastic particles in the ocean and lakes started out as bigger plastic items — shopping bags, six - pack rings, food wrappers and other products.
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