Sentences with phrase «platform for someone»

This is just one example of a multitude of ground - breaking offerings by companies providing platforms for people, businesses and industries to trade energy.
What's more, these digital portfolios will serve as platforms for collaboration and feedback from members of their communities.
Most online platforms for online trading account can be both complicated and intimidating.
But is wearable technology going to be a new platform for dating apps?
These online dating portals can be a good platform for meeting people and enjoy with them whenever you want.
Our member properties transform the hotel from a place offering accommodations into one that creates platforms for shared experiences among people united by passions, ideas, and inspirations.
Below, we've reviewed the top dating platforms for singles interested in exploring the online dating scene.
This is a great platform for meeting an appropriate Christian partner.
Learn more about the best platforms for sharing your content and measuring online marketing success.
Our public programme (including talks & exhibitions) provides platforms for artists to explore common areas of practice, showcase their work and look at the link between the arts and civic society.
It is designed as the ultimate platform for engaging artists, galleries, and patrons in the discovery of cutting - edge work.
They also organize forums as great platform for their users to come together to communicate and share with each other.
There is enough material out there on an array of platforms for people to choose exactly what suits them.
Two competing providers of platforms for managing intellectual property today announced their merger and their plans to create a next - generation IP software and services company.
We are building platforms for learning, where students are able to see and make connections across different content and discipline areas, with technology serving as a bridge across these areas.
The ereader is the perfect platform for small business sales admin.
Our ability to use our social media platforms for social good is a gift we have been given.
Our main goal for the project is to provide a collaborative & easy to use web - based platform for students and professors to interact for transferring credits from another university.
And while readers, editors, and literary agents are getting to know you — you're building a marketing platform for future releases.
A few months ago, a new online platform for business education and training entered the market.
Some offer platforms for consumers to browse the cheapest available energy options available in their country.
Our online registry is a user - managed online platform for emerging artists and emerging curators to share their portfolios, promote their work, and expand their networks.
The world's no. 2 digital currency by market cap has quickly emerged as the leading platform for investors, businesses and startups looking to raise capital through initial coin offerings (ICOs).
Consider using subscription - based publishing platforms for providing written, audio, and video content to your readers or members on their platform and on your own site.
It is really up to you, and no matter your sexual preference, you will find an ideal platform for mobile dating.
The gallery creates a unique platform for international artists with an aim to balance and support the work of artists in the early stages of their careers through context and a distinctive vision.
The idea is to open platforms for discussion, which this apparently has whether one agrees with it or not.
Their mission is to create an international open platform for innovative arts, exhibitions, education, music and creative cooperation.
The field of companies offering practice management platforms for lawyers is already crowded and competitive.
We tested a new technology platform for continuous monitoring and analysis of living cell cultures.
The company plans to build the first real time communication platform for mobile gaming.
She develops platforms for creative social interaction, often through interdisciplinary collaboration with other artists and specialists across various fields.
These developments mean that more applications and services can now rely on blockchain platforms for financial transactions.
Now is the best time to use the internet as the best learning platform for online education.
This makes it an excellent platform for authors who are looking for new ways to build a fan base and promote their work.
It seemed crucial to provide similar platforms for other students at my own school.
They may let you trial their trading platform for free at first, but this is usually just a teaser for you to buy the software or platform.
Financial media platform for professional women focusing on money and business.
Exploring the differences between institutional or traditional galleries and the kind of aesthetic space many people have access to in their own front yard, Outside Gallery provides a new platform for contemporary art.
The program facilitates learning outside of class through online study groups and a customized social - networking platform for students and faculty.
The primary platform for game development has changed to mobile devices.
These are great platforms for exchanging ideas and tips with like minded colleagues in your profession.
A partnership with one of the leading content distribution platforms for cryptocurrencies is a natural next - step for the company.
It was designed as a unique, global platform for emerging learning solutions that will provoke discussion and debate, inspiring attendees with practical ideas on how to improve their own educational practice.
It's basically a decentralized platform for developers to build apps on top of.
Your answer to the question of whether or not native apps or the open web should become the dominant distribution platform for books largely depends on what you value.
This pushes the gums away from the teeth, causing pockets that provide a perfect platform for more bacterial overgrowth.

Phrases with «platform for someone»

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