Sentences with phrase «platform plank»

The phrase "platform plank" refers to one specific idea or proposal that a political party includes in its overall plan, also known as its platform. It is like a building block that contributes to the party's overall goals and objectives. Full definition
This means they support the range of Republican platform planks, including the position on guns.
Gillibrand has made womens issues a fundamental platform plank during her short time in the Senate and has blasted efforts to curtail equal pay for women and other issues infringing on their health.
Delegates at the Libertarian National Convention today rejected 7 out of 9 Platform Committee recommendations to rewrite various platform planks.
Remember that oil independence from Middle East is a major GOP platform plank, and if Google invents some alternative energy technology which weans US off of ME oil, a vast majority of Republicans will be happy as clams.
It also torpedoed a long - standing Tory platform plank.
And contrary to the platform plank, which was opposed to all abortions, George was against abortions with the exception of rape, incest and where the life of the mother was threatened.»
Clinton has also said she is against privatizing Social Security, a platform plank that is exactly opposite the position Trump is using on the stump.
As readers of these pages are well aware, the GOP is under pressure to ease its platform plank favoring a constitutional amendment banning most abortions.
Indeed, these demands have come to characterize modern conservatism and several Republican contenders rode these platform planks to victory during the 2010 - midterm elections.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Fox said the platform plank is troublesome, but he isn't ready to conclude that McCain has changed his mind.
The event also featured spokespeople who talked about each of the #WeChoose Campaign's platform planks, including privatization, the decline in numbers of Black teachers, the damage caused by «no - excuses» school cultures and more.
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