Sentences with phrase «play flash briefings»

You can control smart home devices, play flash briefings, access Amazon Music, use your favorite skills and add items to your shopping or todo lists.
Since I have some time off from work to write, it's Easter Vacation / Spring Break this week, I am sharing my thoughts in this blog post in addition to my podcast which you can hear by clicking below (if you have the Amazon device, just ask Alexa to «Play My Flash Briefing Inspiring Adventures Word of the Week!»)
For instance, if you ask for the news, Alexa will not play a flash briefing you have already heard.
or «Alexa, play my Flash Briefing»; these are just two ways you can invoke Flash Briefing on your Amazon Echo devices.
To hear the most current news stories from whatever sources you choose, just say «Alexa, play my flash briefing» or «Alexa, what's the news?»
«Alexa, play my flash briefing» or «Alexa, what's new?»

Not exact matches

The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fulttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.
Whether you buy this or not is irrelevant because once her husband (Carl, played by Wilson) walks out the door, she's off like a flash (after a brief cameo from Everclear lead singer Art Alexakis) to Texas, led by a random smattering of homegrown witchcraft.
There's a lot I could talk about here: the undulating rhythm of this fight, composed of brief openings in which we could deal meaningful damage and long stretches where every attack we tried required great precision, lest we be devastated by Nergigante's powerful claws; the wins afforded to us by our use of the environment, which in one instance let us crush the dragon under loose hanging crystal stalactites; our use of items like flash pods, bombs, and healing powders — things that only 5 hours of play before we'd only seen as curiosities, but now felt like necessities.
We saw some brief flashes of blood being extracted — could it play a part in augmenting players or enabling some other gameplay aspects?
I'm still playing with recipes on IFTTT when Amazon announces you can now re-order items from past purchases (meh), and right after that it adds additional news sources like NPR and The Economist to its Flash Briefing.
• News Flash Briefing - Allows you to choose which news sources you want news from and will play their news podcast.
When you create audio content for Alexa, whether for a Flash Briefing feed or for use with a custom skill, it's important that your audio content plays at a consistent loudness level as Alexa's voice.
We played music, asked her the time, set up an alarm, asked for a flash briefing, and more.
This means that you can't play music, podcasts, or even your flash briefing on the Dash Wand itself.
Flash Briefing is Alexa's customizable news update that voice assistant reads or plays to you in case you don't want to use any screen.
Next, you need to click the hamburger button to the right of a feed; then, drag that feed to the position you wish it to play in your Flash Briefing and drop it there.
Each feed for a Flash Briefing skill should contain either text content that Alexa reads to the customer or audio content that Alexa plays to the customer.
Flash Briefing skills can contain multiple feeds, and a feed can contain up to five items that are read or played to the customer.
If you do not want these five items played every time a customer requests their flash briefing, then you must remove older items from the RSS or JSON file.
This will play just like in your Flash Briefing, but you can also add Smart Home actions.
In certification, we often see date fields that are static and older than seven days — resulting in no content being played during the flash briefing.
It can play videos show a video version of daily news called flash briefing or act as virtual itenary letting users set up appointments on their calendars.
For example, if NPR is your favorite news source, you can set it so that its news plays by default when you ask for your daily Flash Briefing.
Report the news / Play Flash News briefings 5.
Various businesses have partnered with Amazon and Google to provide a subset of skills or capabilities within the smart home toolbox, allowing consumers to access flash briefings from Fox News or The New York Times, as well as play Jeopardy and turn down the thermostat through voice activation.
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