Sentences with phrase «play upon site»

nist tradition until he shifted his focus onto installation projects that play upon site - specific uses of light.
Robert Irwin (b. 1928, Long Beach, California) followed in the Abstract Expressionist tradition until he shifted his focus onto installation projects that play upon site - specific uses of light.

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Stumbled upon your site when googling «caution: children at play».
Small modular reactors can also be made in factories and transported to sites where they would be ready to «plug and play» upon arrival, reducing both capital costs and construction times.
For men, the site offers a Freemium plan: you can run a customized search for free upon subscription, browse profiles, see photos, or send messages and «bisoop» (virtual kisses and a play on the word bisou, which is French kiss).
They included Christian Boltanski's sound installation of letters written by First World War servicemen, played as one sat upon a bench at the site where these men were shipped off to battle, staring out into the sea.
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