Sentences with phrase «played by the magnetic field»

Images of the sun in the far ultraviolet and in X-rays (acquired most recently by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft, the Yohkoh satellite, and the NIXT rockets) show that the heating of the corona is localized in solar active regions, which indicates the important role played by the magnetic field.

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In this material, magnetic moments and electric charges simultaneously play a part in the excitation, and therefore both can be influenced by one single external field.
The Sun may be playing a part in the generation of lightning strikes on Earth by temporarily «bending» the Earth's magnetic field and allowing a shower of energetic particles to enter the upper atmosphere.
Magnetic fields play an important role in making a planet habitable by protecting the environment from the solar wind.
Plasma churns and pulls in different directions around the sun, and the enormous heat produced by the nuclear fusion at the core plays along these currents to create magnetic fields.
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