Sentences with phrase «played roles in the evolution»

For example, once we acknowledge that intelligent purpose plays a role in evolution, we are likely to be open to the possibility that God influences such purposes in some way.
This pattern, she said, suggests that gesture plays a role in the evolution, as well as the development, of language.
The FOXP2 gene is thought to have played a role in the evolution of the human brain and the development of language.
Hornworm moth larvae respond aggressively when pecked by vertebrate predators such as birds, but it wasn't clear whether they reacted toward invertebrate predators in a similar fashion — and whether invertebrates, too, could have played a role in the evolution of caterpillar defenses.
Thus they may have played roles in the evolution of humans» large brains and speech.
The results suggest that structural balance may play a role in the evolution of social structures by selecting against specific configurations.
Why the processus has evolved to be so long in the first place is still unclear, though the extreme length would suggest that sexual selection has played a role in its evolution.
The results, published in the 28 October issue of Science, will provide a better understanding of the genetic flow that plays a role in the evolution of great apes.
Another study looking at lizard family trees will test whether these patterns might play a role in evolution on a larger scale: By giving lizards protection as they move around, stripes may allow them to explore different habitats, increasing the speed at which new species appear.
The groove's function is unknown, but its location suggests it played a role in the evolution of our communication abilities.
«Microbes can play a role in evolution because we are showing that they affect behavior, and behavior is a primary target of selection,» Theis said.
Baker's yeast provides the first clear example that whole - genome duplication plays a role in evolution.
The first whole genome analysis of an octopus reveals unique genomic features that likely played a role in the evolution of traits such as large complex nervous systems and adaptive camouflage.
The research team suggests this mechanism may have played a role in evolution by stimulating animals to fatten up in times of food scarcity.
It has been a privilege to play a role in that evolution for the last decade, particularly to work with many of the artists who have shaped that renaissance, and our engagement with the Asian market continues to inform the way we see and work around the world.
It'd be a hooy if migration of the ITCZ (and the consequent chaange in orographic heat release into the troposphere) plays a role in the evolution of ice ages.

Not exact matches

Wright has argued in several books that expanding morality played a central role in human evolution, creating the framework for larger, more cohesive, and more powerful societies.
The reason is because while debt plays a key role in understanding the recent evolution of the Chinese economy and the timing and process of its upcoming adjustment (as it also does for all if not most major economies), there seems to be a remarkable amount of confusion as to why debt matters.
The Evolution of Workups in the U.S Treasury Securities Market documents the continued important role played by workups, whereby there is a short time window following the execution of a marketable order in which market participants can transact additional volume at the same price.
Bitcoin can play an important role in the evolution of money remittance as we know it, and BitSpark feels it is the best direction for the company at this point.
Ever since the first banknotes were printed cash has played a critical role in the way society functions, and the evolution of money has reflected the ever - accelerating growth in technology.
In 2017, digital currency miners played a critical role in the evolution of the blockchain industrIn 2017, digital currency miners played a critical role in the evolution of the blockchain industrin the evolution of the blockchain industry.
However, evolution plays a bigger role in this scenario.
Whatever roles philosophical and theological ideas played in the debates over heliocentrism, biological evolution, and the Big Bang theory, the scientific issues were eventually settled by more and better data and by considerations that were purely «scientific» in the modern sense.
Hence, on both levels, the past plays a prominent role in this evolutions the contemporary state is always inconceivable without the previous one.
Dr. Lucas argues that evolution and evolutionist theories play no significant role in Whitehead's metaphysics, and that there is no evidence in his major works of any significant influence from earlier process - oriented «evolutionary cosmologies.»
The influence of these older evolutionary cosmologies on Whitehead's thought, moreover, is never carefully examined so much as it is presupposed.1 Against such presuppositions, I shall argue here that evolution and evolutionist theories play no significant role in Whitehead's metaphysics, and that there is no evidence in his major works of any significant influence from earlier process - oriented «evolutionary cosmologies.»
The confusion (or, at times, deliberate obfuscation) comes from two vital roles played by chance in evolution.
Further, all living things above a very low level of evolution play some role, active or passive, in deciding what environmental influences will act selectively on their populations.
Need chance have played such an important role in evolution if God is in any way the principle of cosmic order?
It has been postulated that there was a time in protobiological evolution when RNA played a dual role as both genetic material and a catalytic molecule («the RNA world»).
We may conclude, then, that goal - setting and purposive activity is a fundamental factor in cultural evolution, and that final causes — in the form of externalized teleologies — play a significant role in the activities and social relationships of human beings.
What the process paradigm generalizes as the principle that «the many become one, and are increased by one,» Kauffman conceptualizes as spontaneous exhibitions of new degrees of order that may play as fundamental a role in shaping evolution as does the Darwinian process of natural selection.
Four generations of the Grobbel family have played integral roles in the evolution of the company.
As CEO, Abt will play a major role in the Huddle House evolution by optimizing its current menu and spearheading an aggressive expansion plan.
«With the evolution of the food supply chain, software and technology providers are playing a more critical role in addressing needs such as end - to - end visibility and collaboration, traceability, regulatory compliance, risk management, sustainability, and cost containment,» said Lara L. Sowinski, editor - in - chief of Food Logistics.
Competition too will play a major role in the new health service, although the debate will continue over whether this is an evolution from Tony Blair's reforms or a break with them.
Additionally, personal beliefs about the role God plays in evolution seem to impact what they are actually teaching.
Dark matter also plays a central role in structure formation and galaxy evolution, and has measurable effects on the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background.
Ochre reveals details about our ancestors» behavior, but could it have played a more active role in our evolution?
Instead, they suggest that organisms play active, constructive roles in their own development and that of their descendants, so that they impose direction on evolution.
Fierce debate still rages over its significance, but many see it as a crucial piece of evidence in the story of how humans came to be — one that suggests flowers played a key role in our evolution.
This finding means that the right hemisphere may well have played a major role in how speech appeared in our ancestors and that a response to the puzzle of speech evolution may lie not only in the left hemisphere.
Later, these molecules played important roles in the chemical evolution resulting in the emergence of life on the Earth.
They found an extensive and robust shuffling of the genomic deck between chlamydia families has played a major role in the evolution of the pathogen, often serving to outwit and exploit its hosts.
Currently there is a debate as to what role sign language has played in language evolution, and whether the structure of sign language share similarities with spoken language.
«If our results are representative, then sea ice plays a greater role than expected, and we should take this into account in future global CO2 budgets,» says Dorte Haubjerg Søgaard, PhD Fellow, Nordic Center for Earth Evolution, University of Southern Denmark and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk.
This gallery highlights some of their discoveries, and shows what it takes for scientists to operate in one of the least hospitable places on Earth, which, as it turns out, played a key role in the evolution and migration of the planet's vertebrates, including mammals.
The CRG scientists Marina Marcet - Houben and Toni Gabaldón used advanced computational methods to study the origins of the whole genome duplication in yeast to gain a more thorough understanding of this phenomenon, which is thought to have played a key role the evolution and adaption of the species.
But actual knowledge of the science seems to play a role, and we've documented that here for evolution for the first time in a representative population.»
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