Sentences with phrase «playing chords»

Stenographers use a keyboard - like machine, «playing chords» to produce words as they are being said.
ChordBuddy makes it easy for students to play chords right off the bat, which in turn lets them play familiar, popular songs and gain enjoyment from guitar playing before taking off the training wheels.
They're like notes on a scale and you're playing a chord.
Smart Guitar Chords Dictionary makes it very easy for you to play any chord you want with just a click.

Not exact matches

But this time I tried interleaving; once I had the basic chords kinda / sort down, I alternated playing those riffs during three 20 - minute sessions.
The first day was the test: she arranged the tapes and CDs on the piano, nervously sat down to play, «took a big breath,» and found customers responding to her opening chords.
We had it set up to play a consonant chord if you contract the muscle properly, and a dissonant chord if you don't.»
It was satisfying hearing a real chord (not a «note,» which is what this neophyte called it) come out of an instrument I was playing.
And by developing the Loog Academy app to teach traditional chord work on the guitar's non-traditional 3 - string design, it made learning to play easier than ever.
This is why he knows only three chords after six years of learning to play the guitar!
Everyone's a closet poet, and most of us can play a little piano or a few chords on the...
Well, when the critics for the past fifty years have been playing the same three - note chord — Marry Priests, Ordain Women, and Same - Sex Marriage and nothing else...
The advantage is the ability to play fingerstyle chord progressions, but then you can quickly switch to using just the pick for faster «up - down» single note runs.
I danced while the guitar played three - chord songs, kicking my feet in front of me, hopping from side to side, skinny arms outstretched.
For «Villainy,» we had a chord that played through the whole song and we replaced it with 27 voices singing the same chord.
-- U2 As the first chords were played at a worship service I...
Joel Auge On the Blue Joel Auge's natural and organic lyrics and melodies are great to play anytime, but you can also use the chord charts to incorporate the music...
Bright chords of honey and meadow flowers overlay light, toasted malts that play base for the vibrant fruit - and fermentation - based acidity.
It's like my younger daughter playing the piano; her teacher won't let her move on to new songs or chords until she has the previous ones down pat.
The band played the first chords of the song, and Dolan blew into the tube.
Guitar blows my mind — having come from violin, where it takes YEARS to produce anything that sounds good, the reality that you can learn a few chords and start playing along with your favorite songs in a matter of days is CRAZY AWESOME.
Or the guitar player that's playing and all of a sudden switches chords in the middle of it and it's the perfect switch, the transition, but you ask them how they knew and they, «I don't know.
Even if no one in your family knows how to play one lick, chord or note and the last adjective that would ever describe ya'll is «musical,» grab some up - cycled instruments (eBay is the best for this!)
I pushed - Elton John's «Tiny Dancer» was playing, my husband was holding my head, Terry was on the other side of my head, and 8 minutes later the OB pulled out our healthy little girl who cried — with her umbilical chord loosely around her neck and feet.
I play guitar, working out the chords gradually as we walk around the streets of Digbeth and then forgetting them again before the next parade.
Playing a nostalgic chord, he noted college graduates — the children of the very people before him — are coming back.
You also get access to multiple training resources including the interactive LCD screen that shows beginners what chords and notes to play.
The interactive LED screen shows the right notes and chords to play.
A couple other tweaks were also made: in the tritone condition, the chords were played slowly — only once every four - beat measure — while in the perfect fifth condition, the chords went by rapidly, sounding every beat.
In addition to the classic, dreadnought - style guitar, the kit comes with many accessories, including a bag, strap, and digital tuner, plus a chord chart and instructional software that will have you start playing in no time.
The advance improves on a staple of modern computation known as the fast Fourier transform, or FFT, which breaks down a complex signal into its component parts — almost like describing a piano chord by identifying the individual notes that need to be played.
As we watch the shapes on the screen, Blackwell plays a series of chords on a music keyboard at his side.
«When we asked them to play a harmonically unexpected chord within a standard chord progression, their brains started to replan the actions faster than classical pianists.
All pianists got to see a hand on a screen which played a sequence of chords on a piano scattered with mistakes in harmonies and fingering.
When the scientists asked the pianists to play a harmonically unexpected chord within a standard chord progression, the jazz pianists» brains started to replan the actions faster than those of the classical pianists.
Then they find a few songs that they can play with those chords.
Last night I had two epiphanies: one, to tune my 3 year old's guitar so it plays a nice chord with no need to hold down a string, and two, miso soup is so easy and delicious that it is ridiculous I haven't thought to do either of these things sooner.
bedroom art for men men playing of chess vinyl decals wall sticker art design living room modern stylish bedroom nice bedroom floor chords.
Sometime I experiment to see if I can get unlikely ingredients to cooperate, or to play a minor chord with several spices.
i like to pretend i play the guitar, but the truth is i only know a few chords.
I've been playing the drums all my life but I decided to try out my vocal chords in a new band and they havent kicked me out yet so I guess thats a good sign.
Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and
These matured cougars know very well to harp on the right chords, to tickle the fantasies of the young men and play along with it.
Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and Love Lane 02.
When the song plays a D chord, the finger placement is perfect.
The dissonance between those earlier, better selves and the people they've become is the major chord the filmmakers play, which of those selves the other would rather love is the lingering question.
We know every note to this song long before the last chord is played.
The Croods didn't just strike a chord in me; it played a harmony.
153 Hand Video Poker (Skunk Software, $ 0.99)-- A spin on video poker, this title fills your screen with 153 individual poker hands and then plays a corresponding piano chord based on the rank of each hand.
Part of it is because of how thematically familiar it feels to «Knight of Cups,» almost as if he's playing the same chords he did in that much - better film.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z