Sentences with phrase «pleasant mood»

All of the aforementioned questions kill potentially pleasant moods when you're getting to know someone.
A light floral fragrance can put people in a more pleasant mood, while citrus scents, such as lemon and grapefruit, tend to have an energizing effect, he says.
I'm afraid that in the same situation, if I weren't in a very pleasant mood, I might be tempted to get annoyed that I even HAD to say something to let me through, and may even give them all a dirty look.
Not everyone is going to come to the movies in a good or pleasant mood; however, it's an escape for people to come to our theaters to get away from the rigors of everyday life.
Each video was, respectively, meant to induce laughter, a pleasant mood, or nothing in particular, for the control (clearly the «how to play golf» clip).
Soft and comfortable with the color of the stars being not too bright and not too dull; instead, just the right blue to bring a tranquil and pleasant mood to one's being.
The girls like to carry different and something gorgeous on the functions because they want to look like princess whether it is their own wedding or someone else because on the wedding all the people are so excited and in the pleasant mood.
I am pretty easygoing, patient, and always in a pleasant mood.
Besides being a pleasant mood, you also need to try to take away from sensitive topics while you are speed dating.
Brushing your cat with the rubber tongue on a regular basis will put your feline friends in a pleasant mood and strengthen your bond.
The plane's lighting is dynamic and designed to reflect the time of day, giving the entire cabin a pleasant mood and atmosphere.
So how could I use time and touch to help him wake up, get him started on the right foot, and in a pleasant mood?
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